Worldwide Knit in Public Week on June, 2025: Is there a National Knitting Day or Month?

Worldwide Knit in Public Week 2025. It's Knit In Public Week 2013 (and here are some resources)! It's Knit In Public Week!

Is there a National Knitting Day or Month?

Worldwide Knit In Public week was 11-19 June 2011

And some people do National Knitting Month in November

When was IVF (In Vitro Fertilisation) introduced to the public to be used commercially to

When was IVF (In Vitro Fertilisation) introduced to the public to be used commercially to impregnate women?

This technique has been used extensively in animal embryological research for decades, but only since 1978 has it been successfully applied to human reproduction.

Let me give you the details..

‘Test Tube’ Baby—It's a Girl!

Condition After Cesarean

Birth Reported Excellent

Los Angeles Times

July 26, 1978

The Los Angeles Times published the following article about the birth of the first baby ever conceived through In Vitro Fertilization (IVF).

From Times Wire Services

Oldham, Eng.—The world's first “test tube” baby, a girl, was born Tuesday, Oldham General Hospital announced. The baby, believed to be the first ever conceived in a laboratory and then implanted in its mother's womb, was born by cesarean section, officials said.

The girl, who was described as in excellent condition, was born to Mrs. Lesley Brown, 32, of Bristol, Eng., who had been childless since her marriage nine years ago because her fallopian tubes were blocked.

Surgeons removed an egg from Mrs. Brown's body, fertilized it with her husband's sperm and then implanted it in her uterus after nurturing it for almost five days—the amount of time a fertilized egg normally remains in the mother's fallopian tube before it becomes implanted in the uterine wall.

The baby weighed 5 pounds 12 ounces. “Her condition at birth was normal,” the hospital said in a statement issued after midnight.

The father was identified as Gilbert John Brown, a 38-year-old truck driver with the state-owned railway system, British Rail. Until recently, the parents had been identified only as Mr. and Mrs. A.

A spokesman for the regional health authority said that the mother was in “excellent condition” after the delivery just before midnight.

Doctors at the hospital, where Mrs. Brown has stayed for weeks in a private room with a guard at the door, apparently decided Tuesday to operate to deliver the baby.

The child had been expected anytime up to Aug. 18. There was no immediate explanation why the operation was performed.

Mrs. Brown's pregnancy had stirred worldwide publicity since it was confirmed earlier this month by Oldham Hospital gynecologist Dr. Patrick C. Steptoe.

Mrs. Brown had been shielded from reporters and television cameras and spent most of her time knitting, doing crossword puzzles and watching television.

Her husband spent much of his time in her fourth-floor private room. Between visits, he applied last-minute touches to the freshly decorated nursery in their rented house in Bristol, 173 miles away.

Only Mrs. Brown's doctors and nurses, her husband, her stepdaughter Sharon and her mother have been allowed to visit her room.

Many other childless parents around the world have followed the case with interest.

Mrs. Brown is described as a quiet, retiring homebody who came to public notice only because of her unflagging determination to have a baby.

Steptoe and Dr. Robert Edwards combined sperm from Brown with an egg from his wife in a laboratory Nov. 10. The birth of the child capped 12 years of research by the two experts. Britain's top medical authorities say they do not know of any documented births of test tube babies, although quite a few women have undergone the implant procedure and failed to give birth.

Source: Los Angeles Times, July 26, 1978.

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How was Australian red cross started/created??

How was Australian red cross started/created??

The Australian Red Cross is one of the many national Red Cross societies around the world. The Australian organization was established in 1914, nine days after the commencement of World War I, by Lady Helen Munro-Ferguson, the wife of the Governor-General Ronald Munro-Ferguson, when she formed a branch of the British Red Cross.

The organisation grew at a rapid rate. Lady Helen wrote to the mayors of every shire and municipality in Australia asking them to initiate a local branch. Few failed to act on her suggestion. Typically, a letter was published in the local newspaper and a meeting called. By November 1914, New South Wales had 88 city or suburban branches and 249 country branches, all established within the previous four months. The Society was accepted by the community from the beginning. Much of the World War I home front activities such as knitting socks and rolling bandages was done by local Red Cross branches.

The passion and commitment of the volunteers has become renowned in all communities as they rise to every natural disaster or personal crisis they have come across and been faced with, from fire to flood or drought. Today there are more than 30,000 trained volunteers and the entire Australian Red Cross program is funded by public donations and corporate partnerships. For the volunteers it is a 24 hours, 7 days a week commitment to help families whose lives have been touched by disaster and tragedy.

The Australian Red Cross supports and runs many different and important projects whilst raising awareness to the Australian public about the current issues or problems which may affect them. Some of the projects which are either run by or assisted by the Australian Red Cross are Blood Services, First Aid projects, Disaster and Emergency Services, Youth and Education.

The Mission of the Australian Red Cross is as follows: "To be a leading humanitarian organisation in Australia, improving the lives of vulnerable people through services delivered and promotion of humanitarian laws and values."

The Australian Red Cross is part of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, the largest humanitarian movement in the world. The movement comprises over 97 million volunteers worldwide and prides itself on being free of government influence and without political, religious or cultural bias.

Holidays also on this date Sunday, June 1, 2025...