Neither Snow nor Rain Day 2024 is on Saturday, September 7, 2024: If postal code says 'neither snow nor sleet nor rain nor day of week' will stop mail why no Sunday

Saturday, September 7, 2024 is Neither Snow nor Rain Day 2024. Neither Snow Nor Rain Day “Neither snow, nor rain, nor

If postal code says ’neither snow nor sleet nor rain nor day of week’ will stop mail why no Sunday

You've got it wrong--the motto is "Neither rain nor snow nor DARK OF NIGHT will keep these couriers from their appointed rounds."

what is the postal creed? neither rain nor?

what is the postal creed? neither rain nor?

I was a maill carrier, THe saying is" neither rain, sleet nor snow, the mail must go". It means the mail carrier has to make an honest attempt to deliver the mail. The post offices doesn't close because of the weather, If they can't deliver, the mail carriers are working in the post office, sorting mail and doing other things.

Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night . . .?

Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night . . .?

I like your tongue in cheek it says a lot about waste. I worry though, so many jobs lost because our country has been surviving with expensive mistakes and now so many are not thriving. I am a recycle nut it is an extra household job my parent's never considered but I do it with hope that in the long run it will help. Maybe all the vendor's that need to promote their useless stuff should follow the way of Mission Impossible and the junk mail will self destruct in 5,4,3,2...Now about Congress that is another job for Mission Impossible.

Holidays also on this date Saturday, September 7, 2024...