Salami Day 2024 is on Saturday, September 7, 2024: how unhealthy is salami?

Saturday, September 7, 2024 is Salami Day 2024. Salami Day: September 7th - Salami Day, September 7th Get your very own Salami Day

Salami Day

Salami is healed, fermented and air-dried sausage, popular in Italia and also the mediterranean. Salami Day encourages you look around the realm of salami if you attempt new and adventurous kinds of salami, and taking pleasure in salami with buddies at salami-designed parties.

how unhealthy is salami?

Salami's just fine. Depends on the total calories you eat a day.

I slap the salami pretty much every day?

I slap the salami pretty much every day?

I think you may be over stimulating yourself but as far as lasting too long, I really don't see why any woman would be complaining.

Salami and diet/exercise?

Salami and diet/exercise?

Forget the salami! Many people love chocolate, but they don't eat it during a diet.

Holidays also on this date Saturday, September 7, 2024...