World Beard Day 2024 is on Saturday, September 7, 2024: Questions About Getting A Bearded Dragons ?

Saturday, September 7, 2024 is World Beard Day 2024. WORLD BEARD DAY World Beard Day Colour

World Beard Day

There's absolutely nothing cooler (metaphorically, rather than in regards to temperature), than a guy with big amounts of facial hair. World Beard Day takes mustaching to extremes of length, shade, shape and design. Celebrate by prepping a beard beforehand, or buying an accordingly outrageous camouflage beard from your neighborhood masquerade establishment!

Questions About Getting A Bearded Dragons ?

Congratulations and welcome to the world of owning one of these marvelous reptiles.

But, oh goodness, you have a lot of reading to do. Kudos for asking before you get the animal, though.

1.) You feed them as many crickets (roaches are a much better feeder insect if you want to raise your own) of the proper size as they will eat twice a day everyday. Remove uneaten insects once the BD is full.

Insects should be gut loaded prior to feeding them to your dragon and dusted with reptile vitamins and calcium powder with D3.

2.) The brown crickets aren't as noisy as the black but you won't need to worry about that until your BD grows up a bit. The size of the dragon's head is the gage for the size of food items as it grows. Insects and vegetables should be no larger than the space between the dragon's eyes to prevent impaction or a choking hazard.

3.) Depending on the size of your new dragon (a 6 wk. old dragon is tiny), you can actually keep a small container or tank inside the larger one it will eventually need. When it outgrows the smaller container/tank and needs more room, you can shift it into the larger tank and the cardboard divider will work just fine. The recommended size for a single adult dragon is a 40 gal. breeder or 75 gal. tank. Bigger is better, when talking about beardies.


5.) The day you get your BD - you give it crickets of the proper size.

6.) The warm side of the tank should be should be 110 degrees and the cool side 10-15 degrees less. As well as heat, the dragon needs 10.0 UVB light for 12-14 hr. a day. The bulb should be directly above the BD and cover no more than 1/2 the length of the tank. ZooMed is the only 100% safe florescent bulb. None of the new compact UVB bulbs are safe to use. You don't need heat at night unless your room temperature is below 65. The dragon need a cool down at night. Temperatures lower than 65 can lead to respiratory infections.

On top of the UVB light, you'll need to provide UVA (white light) for the day cycle. I just use a ceramic base dome lamp with a regular household light bulb to provide both heat and and light. UBV is a different wave length than UVA and dragons don't see it well - they perceive UVB light as bright as a cloudy day. So be sure to use UVA as well.

The sites below cover everything else you'll need to know.

Good luck and enjoy your new pet!

Beard or no beard??!?

Beard or no beard??!?

Beard. All day every day. The early stages will be rough, but the payoff will be incredible. I'll list some benefits.

1. Boosted confidence. Seriously, there's nothing like having a beard. It tells the world "I am a man. I am here."

2. Knowing what you really look like. Think about it. You've probably been shaving for a while now. But is that baby face really yours? No.

3. Being welcomed into the world of bearded men.

4. You can stroke your beard while thinking thoughts about those classes.

5. The wind blowing through your face-mane.

6. That beard will help attract women who are comfortable with the knowledge that you are in fact a man.

In short, why not?

What are you doing for World Beard Day on the seventh of September?

What are you doing for World Beard Day on the seventh of September?

Now I have another reason to grow my beard again.

Holidays also on this date Saturday, September 7, 2024...