Amateur Radio Month on April, 2025: Yeasu FT1000 Ham amateur radio?

April, 2025 is Amateur Radio Month 2025. Amateur Radio on your PC‎ Turn your PC into a Ham Transceiver Make contacts all over the world

Yeasu FT1000 Ham amateur radio?

This link to a forum question for the FT-1000D says that the first digit is the last number of the year, 1, 1991, 2, 1992, etc. The letter represents the month of production, A for January and L for December.

From the posting it seems as though the radio is from the 90s. The first product review appeared in QST in March 1991, for the FT-1000D, the review for the FT-1000MP Mark 5 was August 2002, and the FT-1000MP MF/HF transceiver was 1996.

GL OM es 73


licensed since 1968

firefighter radio scanner?

firefighter radio scanner?

Try Radio Shack or an amateur radio outlet. They should have something.

However, your frequencies puzzle me. 1250 MHz is not good two-way radio frequency. This is a microwave frequency and will not work well for general dispatch or two-way. It will have very limited range. This may be a link to radios on a hill top. If so, it's not what you want to scan. Even 750 MHz is not a common fire frequency, but it may be one of the new federal compatibility channels.

Will an amateur radio license let me broadcast on fm?

Will an amateur radio license let me broadcast on fm?

You can't broadcast on the AM or FM broadcast bands with a ham radio license, ... But don't you have to pass a Morse code test to get a ham radio license?

There are 2 sites that talk about this:


You must first take a Basic Broadcasting course. ... for Broadcast class.

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Radio Broadcasting Schools to Radio Station: Tips on Getting an Radio Internship

ohiocenterbroadcasting wrote 3 months ago: Are you thinking about applying for an internship position at a radio station as part of your radio … more →

Tags: radio jobs, radio broadcasting schools



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