Baby Safety Month on September, 2024: what's the typical weight for a 3 month old baby?
September, 2024 is Baby Safety Month 2024. Child Safety Month Lesson Plans, Activities, Info. Source For Child Safety Educators.
pregnancy health milestones for_mom safety 1-4 months
All the world loves babies -- especially when they smile. This is a magical time in your baby's life and your own, so enjoy every moment of it!
Milestones this month
Giving a six month old eggs?
Yes, once your baby is over 6 months of age you can use the same food storage and safety guidelines as you would for yourself. Although some people still choose to avoid things like steak tartar, etc, because of the risk of contamination.
And your health visitor is correct that you can give whole eggs to a baby as long as there isn't a family history of severe allergic disorders. There is NO evidence that withholding any "allergenic" foods will prevent an allergy. However the yolk is where most of the nutrition is so you could just use it, if that's your choice.
Eggs are a million times better than "infant cereal"/rusks as a weaning food.
(I'd also like to point out that the American Academy of Pediatricians is known for siding with the baby food and other product industry over verifiable scientific fact)
Pureed baby food is 'unnatural'
She said children should be fed only with breast or formula milk for six months, then weaned onto solids to improve control over how much they ate.
This could prevent babies becoming picky about food.
Solids best
After six months, Mrs Rapley said babies were capable of taking food into their mouths and chewing it.
Therefore, feeding them pureed food at this time could delay the development of chewing skills.
Instead, she said, they should be given milk and solid pieces of food which they could chew.
Mrs Rapley argued that babies fed pureed food had little control over how much food they ate, thus rendering them vulnerable to constipation, and running a risk that they would react by becoming fussy eaters later in life.
She blamed the food industry for convincing parents that they should give children pureed food.
She said: "Sound scientific research and government advice now agree that there is no longer any window of a baby's development in which they need something more than milk and less than solids."
In a review of the research, Nancy Butte, a pediatrics professor at Baylor College of Medicine, found that many strongly held assumptions — such as the need to offer foods in a particular order or to delay allergenic foods — have little scientific basis.
The babies who participated in the research were allowed to begin at four months. But they were not able to feed themselves before six months. Some of the younger babies picked food up and took it to their mouths; some even chewed it, but none swallowed it. Their own development decided for them when the time was right. Part of the reason for this study was to show (based on a theory of self-feeding) that babies are not ready for solid food before six months. It seems that we have spent all these years working out that six months is the right age and babies have known it all along!
It seems reasonable to predict that if parents choose to provide babies with the opportunity to pick up and eat solid food from birth they will still not be able to do it until around six months. The principle is the same as putting a newborn baby on the floor to play: he is being provided with the opportunity to walk but will not do so until about one year – because his own development stops him. But: everything depends on the baby being in control. Food must not be put into his mouth for him. Since it is very tempting to do this, it is probably safer to recommend that babies should not be given the opportunity to eat solid food before six months.
Many parents worry about babies choking. However, there is good reason to believe that babies are at less risk of choking if they are in control of what goes into their mouth than if they are spoon fed. This is because babies are not capable of intentionally moving food to the back of their throats until after they have learnt to chew. And they do not develop the ability to chew until after they have developed the ability to reach out and grab things. Thus, a very young baby cannot easily put himself at risk because he cannot get the food into his mouth in the first place. On the other hand, the action used to suck food off a spoon tends to take the food straight to the back of the mouth, causing the baby to gag. This means that spoon feeding has its own potential to lead to choking – and makes one wonder about the safety of giving lumpy foods off a spoon.
Ditch the rice cereal and mashed peas, and make way for enchiladas, curry and even — gasp! — hot peppers. It's time to discard everything you think you know about feeding babies. It turns out most advice parents get about weaning infants onto solid foods — even from pediatricians — is more myth than science.
That's right, rice cereal may not be the best first food. Peanut butter doesn't have to wait until after the first birthday. Offering fruits before vegetables won't breed a sweet tooth. And strong spices? Bring 'em on.
"There's a bunch of mythology out there about this," says Dr. David Bergman, a Stanford University pediatrics professor. "There's not much evidence to support any particular way of doing things."
Why not cereal?
Take rice cereal, for example. Under conventional American wisdom, it's the best first food. But Butte says iron-rich meat — often one of the last foods American parents introduce — would be a better choice.
Dr. David Ludwig of Children's Hospital Boston, a specialist in pediatric nutrition, says some studies suggest rice and other highly processed grain cereals actually could be among the worst foods for infants.
"These foods are in a certain sense no different from adding sugar to formula. They digest very rapidly in the body into sugar, raising blood sugar and insulin levels" and could contribute to later health problems, including obesity, he says.
The lack of variety in the American approach also could be a problem. Exposing infants to more foods may help them adapt to different foods later, which Ludwig says may be key to getting older children to eat healthier.
Cereal is not at all necessary, particularly the baby cereals. Regular (whole grain) oatmeal is more nutritious for your baby.
The truth is, there is nothing special about these foods that makes them better to start out with. Babies don't actually even need rice cereal
Meat provides additional protein, zinc, B-vitamins, and other nutrients which may be in short supply when the decrease in breast milk occurs. A recent study from Sweden suggests that when infants are given substantial amounts of cereal, it may lead to low concentrations of zinc and reduced calcium absorption (Persson 1998). Dr. Nancy Krebs has shared preliminary results from a large infant growth study suggesting that breastfed infants who received pureed or strained meat as a primary weaning food beginning at four to five months, grow at a slightly faster rate. Dr. Krebs' premise is that inadequate protein or zinc from complementary foods may limit the growth of some breastfed infants during the weaning period. Both protein and zinc levels were consistently higher in the diets of the infants who received meat (Krebs 1998). Thus the custom of providing large amounts of cereal products and excluding meat products before seven months of age may not meet the nutritional needs of all breastfed infants.
Meat has also been recommended as an excellent source of iron in infancy. Heme iron (the form of iron found in meat) is better absorbed than iron from plant sources. In addition, the protein in meat helps the baby more easily absorb the iron from other foods. Two recent studies (Makrides 1998; Engelmann 1998) have examined iron status in breastfed infants who received meat earlier in the weaning period. These studies indicate that while there is not a measurable change in breastfed babies' iron stores when they receive an increased amount of meat (or iron), the levels of hemoglobin circulating in the blood stream do increase when babies receive meat as one of their first foods.
Finally, respect the tiny, still-developing digestive system of your infant. Babies have limited enzyme production, which is necessary for the digestion of foods. In fact, it takes up to 28 months, just around the time when molar teeth are fully developed, for the big-gun carbohydrate enzymes (namely amylase) to fully kick into gear. Foods like cereals, grains and breads are very challenging for little ones to digest. Thus, these foods should be some of the last to be introduced. (One carbohydrate enzyme a baby's small intestine does produce is lactase, for the digestion of lactose in milk.1)
Babies do produce functional enzymes (pepsin and proteolytic enzymes) and digestive juices (hydrochloric acid in the stomach) that work on proteins and fats.12 This makes perfect sense since the milk from a healthy mother has 50-60 percent of its energy as fat, which is critical for growth, energy and development.13 In addition, the cholesterol in human milk supplies an infant with close to six times the amount most adults consume from food.13 In some cultures, a new mother is encouraged to eat six to ten eggs a day and almost ten ounces of chicken and pork for at least a month after birth. This fat-rich diet ensures her breast milk will contain adequate healthy fats.14
Thus, a baby's earliest solid foo
what do i need for a new baby? lists please?
Cradle, bassinet, or crib: If you choose to have your baby sleep in your room at night, a cradle or bassinet is a nice option for the first few months. When the baby gets bigger, you will need to get a crib. When choosing a crib, make sure it meets the latest safety standards and that there are no more than 2 3/8 inches between the slats.
Crib mattress: Unfortunately, most cribs do not come with mattresses so you will need to purchase one. Pick out a mattress that has good back support, is not too soft, and meets all the fire-retardant regulations. Diaper Time: What You Need for the Changing Table
Diapers (plan on using 70-90 per week for the first six weeks, then 50 per week)
Disposable diaper wipes (alcohol-free)
Diaper rash ointment or cream (such as Desitin or A&D)
Rubbing alcohol to wipe around base of umbilical cord
Cotton swabs to apply rubbing alcohol
Petroleum jelly to apply on circumcision (so the baby's penis doesn't stick to the diaper)
Pad for baby to lie on during changing
Diaper pail to dispose of soiled diapers
Layette: Baby's First Clothes
6 undershirts that snap on the bottom or tie on the side, commonly called "onesies" (3 in three-month size and 3 in six-month size)
3-4 infant gowns with elastic bottoms or draw strings. These make for easy diaper changes. All you have to do is pull the gown up over the belly to change the diaper and then pull it back down when finished. There is no stumbling around trying to snap the gown back together, which is especially nice when it's 3 am and all you want to do is get baby back to sleep so that you can get back to sleep.
6 sleepers/stretch suits (3 newborn to three-month size and 3 in six-month size). These are nice to put baby in during the day, but are not essential items. When buying these, make sure you get the kind that zip up the front. These are easier to get baby in and out.
3-4 pairs of booties or socks with stretch elastic band at cuff
3-4 receiving blankets
1 blanket to cover swaddled baby in crib
1 sweater and hat
Bathing Baby: What You Need
Baby bathtub (sloping with foam pad or flat with molded sponge insert)
4 terry cloth bath towels (hooded towels are OK, but not necessary)
4-6 washcloths
Tearless shampoo
Baby soap. Many brands make baby shampoo and soap all in one.
Brush and comb
Rounded-tip nail scissors or clippers. Baby's nails grow quickly and can scratch his or her face.
Bulb syringe nasal aspirator. These are used to suction excess mucus from baby's nose and mouth (the one you receive in the hospital is a keeper!)
You may want to check with your baby's doctor before the first bath. Some doctors recommend that you wait until the umbilical cord has fallen off and the circumcision site has healed before giving your baby a tub bath. In the meantime sponge baths work great.
12 nipples and covers
1 bottle and nipple brush for cleaning
Dishwasher basket for bottles and nipples (optional, but makes for easy cleaning)
Infant formula and measuring cup (if you are not breastfeeding). Use the brand recommended by your child's doctor.
12 Burp cloths
6 Bibs
12 bottles. Even if you are breastfeeding, you should have bottles to use for pumped breast milk.
The Diaper Bag
When buying a diaper bag, pick one that has lots of pockets and places to store individual items. Also, keep in mind that your diaper bag often becomes your purse, so find one large enough to keep your wallet, keys, glasses, cell phone, and other items you need for yourself.
It's a good idea to keep this bag packed with the following items at all times so if you need to leave the house in a hurry (especially if you have to take baby to the doctor unexpectedly), you'll be ready:
5-6 diapers
Disposable wipes
Diaper rash cream or ointment
Pad to lie your baby on top of when changing the diaper
Plastic bags to wrap dirty diapers in until you can find a trashcan to throw them out
Change of clothes for baby: Infant onesies, a pair of socks, hat, baby outfit.
2 clean bottles and powdered formula (if bottle feeding)
Burp cloth
Pacifier (if using)
Baby toy or rattle
Sunscreen for babies older than 6 months.
Baby Tylenol
Other Baby Essentials
Newborn-size pacifier: Many lactation consultants recommend not using a pacifier if you are breastfeeding to prevent nipple confusion in your baby.
Infant car seat: This can also be used as a baby carrier. And you can find stroller frames that the infant car seat can snap into so that you don't have to carry the car seat at all times, which can get heavy. If you decide to get a stroller that your infant car seat can snap in to, make sure you get one that fits your infant carrier.
Breast pump for breastfeeding moms: Breast pumps allow you to pump milk so that someone else can feed your baby. This is important if you need to leave your baby for a significant amount of time (for example, if you are working). Breast pumps also come in handy w