International Self-Awareness Month on September, 2024: Awareness Month - What is each month for Awareness Month?
September, 2024 is International Self-Awareness Month 2024. International Self-Awareness Month Sparks Release of The Freedom ... Self-Awareness Month in
Birth Defects Prevention Month
Cataract Awareness Month
Cervical Cancer Awareness Month
Family Fit Lifestyle Month
Financial Wellness Month
Glaucoma Awareness Month
Healthy Weight Awareness Month
African-American History Month
Children’s Dental Health Month
Ethnic Equality Month
Heart Month
Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month
Gender Equality Month
Kidney Month
Mental Retardation Awareness Month
Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Month
Nutrition Month
Red Cross Month
Alcohol Awareness Month
Autism Awareness Month
Cancer Control Month
Child Abuse Prevention Month
Keep America Beautiful Month
Mathematics Education Month
Month Of The Young Child
Poetry Month
STDs Education And Awareness Month
Stress Awareness Month
World Habitat Awareness Month
Personal Self-Defense Awareness Month
Poverty In America Awareness Month
Thyroid Awareness Month
Better Hearing And Speech Month
Better Sleep Month
Correct Posture Month
Creative Beginnings Month
Family Support Month
Hepatitis Awareness Month
High Blood Pressure Awareness Month
Mental Health Month
Teen Pregnancy Prevention Month
Older Americans Month
Osteoporosis Prevention Month
Personal History Awareness Month
Stroke Awareness Month
Aphasia Awareness Month
Children’s Awareness Month
Gay And Lesbian Pride Month
International Men’s Month
Myasthenia Gravis Awareness Month
People Skills Month
Rebuild Your Life Month
Rivers Month
Scleroderma Awareness Month
Student Safety Month
Vision Research Month
Eye Injury Prevention Month
Group B Strep Awareness Month
Purposeful Parenting Month
Recreation And Parks Month
Amblopia Awareness Month
Immunization Awareness Month
Psoriasis Awareness Month
Spinal Muscular Atrophy Awareness Month
Gynecological Cancer Awareness Month
Menopause Awareness Month
Organic Harvest Month
Pediculosis Prevention Month
Prostate Cancer Awareness Month
Self-Awareness Month
Self-Improvement Month
Sickle Cell Awareness Month
Adopt A Shelter Dog Mont
AIDS Awareness Month
Breast Cancer Awareness
Campaign For Healthier Babies Month
Dental Hygiene Awareness Month
Domestic Violence Prevention Month
Down Syndrome Awareness Month
Lupus Awareness Month
Vegetarian Awareness Month
Alzheimer’s Awareness Month
Adoption Awareness Month
Diabetes Awareness Month
Family Caregivers Month
Impotency Awareness Month
Lung Cancer Awareness Month
Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month
Runaway Prevention Month
Pro-Life Month
Safe Toys & Gifts Awareness Month
Is there a certain awareness cause every month?
Birth Defects Prevention Month
Cataract Awareness Month
Cervical Cancer Awareness Month
Family Fit Lifestyle Month
Financial Wellness Month
Glaucoma Awareness Month
Healthy Weight Awareness Month
African-American History Month
Children’s Dental Health Month
Ethnic Equality Month
Heart Month
Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month
Gender Equality Month
Kidney Month
Mental Retardation Awareness Month
Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Month
Nutrition Month
Red Cross Month
Alcohol Awareness Month
Autism Awareness Month
Cancer Control Month
Child Abuse Prevention Month
Keep America Beautiful Month
Mathematics Education Month
Month Of The Young Child
Poetry Month
STDs Education And Awareness Month
Stress Awareness Month
World Habitat Awareness Month
Personal Self-Defense Awareness Month
Poverty In America Awareness Month
Thyroid Awareness Month
Better Hearing And Speech Month
Better Sleep Month
Correct Posture Month
Creative Beginnings Month
Family Support Month
Hepatitis Awareness Month
High Blood Pressure Awareness Month
Mental Health Month
Teen Pregnancy Prevention Month
Older Americans Month
Osteoporosis Prevention Month
Personal History Awareness Month
Stroke Awareness Month
Aphasia Awareness Month
Children’s Awareness Month
Gay And Lesbian Pride Month
International Men’s Month
Myasthenia Gravis Awareness Month
People Skills Month
Rebuild Your Life Month
Rivers Month
Scleroderma Awareness Month
Student Safety Month
Vision Research Month
Eye Injury Prevention Month
Group B Strep Awareness Month
Purposeful Parenting Month
Recreation And Parks Month
Amblopia Awareness Month
Immunization Awareness Month
Psoriasis Awareness Month
Spinal Muscular Atrophy Awareness Month
Gynecological Cancer Awareness Month
Menopause Awareness Month
Organic Harvest Month
Pediculosis Prevention Month
Prostate Cancer Awareness Month
Self-Awareness Month
Self-Improvement Month
Sickle Cell Awareness Month
Adopt A Shelter Dog Mont
AIDS Awareness Month
Breast Cancer Awareness
Campaign For Healthier Babies Month
Dental Hygiene Awareness Month
Domestic Violence Prevention Month
Down Syndrome Awareness Month
Lupus Awareness Month
Vegetarian Awareness Month
Alzheimer’s Awareness Month
Adoption Awareness Month
Diabetes Awareness Month
Family Caregivers Month
Impotency Awareness Month
Lung Cancer Awareness Month
Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month
Runaway Prevention Month
Pro-Life Month
Safe Toys & Gifts Awareness Month
Why has the Jewish Holocaust become more recognized and important than any other ethnic/human genocide?
By making all the world look this way the background and the present international political nightmare which is caused by the background remains concealed.
In 1916 the British Empire was on the edge to loose WWI. The Brits were about to accept German offers of a "neutral" peace, a peace without claims and annexations. British and German Zionists then convinced the British War Cabinet to make a deal: for the British promise to receive Palestine as homeland they used their connections to draw the USA into the war.
The promised reward was published a few months after the entry of the USA into the war in the so called "Balfour Declaration". The Balfour declaration is the British commitment to give Palestine to the Zionists as homeland. (To the public today the sinking of the "Lusitania" steamer in 1915 is sold as reason for the US war entry in 1917)
When all belligerents of WWI signed an armistice on 11.11.1918 the British Empire against their signed word of honor did not stop hostilities but starved 900.000 German civilians to death until the new government signed the so called "Treaty of Versailles". In this paper,, which as a contract enforced by genocide was and is invalid, the Germans were insulted, slandered and wrecked by so called reparations for a guilt which did not exist and a signature which was enforced by mass murder.
That was seen by the Germans to have been sold out by the Zionists and initiated German anti Zionism which today is sold to us as anti Semitism.
The territories which were annexed by the Entente powers based on an invalid contract by international law never seized to be German territories. When Hitler claimed to re establish a state more compatible with international law the former perpetrator of the genocide in complicity with those having profited most from the 1919 annexations tricked Hitler into another war.
Hitler's first solution oof the "Jewish problem" was to sign an agreement with the Zionists to let all Jews emigrate to Palestine taking with them all of their assets, the so called Haavara agreement.
The SS was the most pro Zionist organization of the time being. From the (Jewish) link Nr. 1 below:
The SS was particularly enthusiastic in its support for Zionism. An internal June 1934 SS position paper urged active and wide-ranging support for Zionism by the government and the Party as the best way to encourage emigration of Germany’s Jews to Palestine. This would require increased Jewish self-awareness. Jewish schools, Jewish sports leagues, Jewish cultural organizations — in short, everything that would encourage this new consciousness and self-awareness – should be promoted, the paper recommended.
SS officer Leopold von Mildenstein and Zionist Federation official Kurt Tuchler toured Palestine together for six months to assess Zionist development there. Based on his firsthand observations, von Mildenstein wrote a series of twelve illustrated articles for the important Berlin daily Der Angriff that appeared in late 1934 under the heading “A Nazi Travels to Palestine.” The series expressed great admiration for the pioneering spirit and achievements of the Jewish settlers. Zionist self-development, von Mildenstein wrote, had produced a new kind of Jew. He praised Zionism as a great benefit for both the Jewish people and the entire world. A Jewish homeland in Palestine, he wrote in his concluding article, “pointed the way to curing a centuries-long wound on the body of the world: the Jewish question.” Der Angriff issued a special medal, with a Swastika on one side and a Star of David on the other, to commemorate the joint SS-Zionist visit. A few months after the articles appeared, von Mildenstein was promoted to head the Jewish affairs department of the SS security service in order to support Zionist migration and development more effectively.
The official SS newspaper, Das Schwarze Korps, proclaimed its support for Zionism in a May 1935 front-page editorial: “The time may not be too far off when Palestine will again be able to receive its sons who have been lost to it for more than a thousand years. Our good wishes, together with official goodwill, go with them.”
End of quote
The issue raises some important questions about the legacy of a land acquisition which at least indirectly is connected to genocide and the wholesale execution of the former strongest supporters of Zionism. Those today are the USA. US citizens therefore better look on their Holocaust memorials instead of somewhere else.