National Win With Civility Month on August, 2025: August is the ONLY calender month without a MAJOR holiday: Why has it never been claimed for any

August, 2025 is National Win With Civility Month 2025. Win Friends, Win Prizes Instantly, Even Win “Forever”! National Win with Civility

August is the ONLY calender month without a MAJOR holiday: Why has it never been claimed for any

The following events are observed calendar month-long in August:

American Adventures Month

American History Essay Contest

National Catfish Month

Black Business Month

Cataract Awareness Month

Children's Eye Health and Safety Month

Children's Vision and Learning Month

Get Ready for Kindergarten Month

Happiness Happens Month

Harvest Month

Motorsports Awareness Month

National Immunization Awareness Month

National Inventor's Month

National Panini Month

National Water Quality Month

National Win with Civility Month

Neurosurgery Outreach Month

Peach Month

Spinal Muscular Atrophy Awareness Month

What Will Be Your Legacy Month

Important people during the American Revolution in 1770?

Important people during the American Revolution in 1770?

George Washington

(By Chris Bartnesky, Tyler Burns, & Casey Landry)

George Washington was born in Westmoreland county, Virginia on February 22, 1732. George was the youngest son of Augustine Washington and his second wife, Mary Bell Washington. George's early education consisted of the study of such subjects as mathematics, surveying, the classics, and rules of civility. His father died in 1743. From then on, he went to live with his half brother Lawrence. George then lived and traveled with his brother for nine years. His brother also died of tuberculosis. After George's brother passed away he ultimately inherited the Mount Vernon estate.

George Washington played a major part in the American Revolution. On July 3, 1776, Washington took command of the troops surrounding British occupied Boston. He spent the next few months training the rag-tag team made up mostly of untrained colonists. There were 14,000 men with little supplies. Even though Washington prevailed, he nearly failed due to the lack of men and supplies. Until he surprised the Hessian garrison by crossing the Delaware River on Christmas night 1776. In 1780 the main theater of the war shifted to the south where, in cooperation with Comte de Rochambeau and the com d Esaing, Washington brilliantly planned and executed the Yorktown Campaign. During this action, Washington and his troops defeated Charles Cornwallis and the British forces; securing American victory on October 19, 1781. George Washington had grown enormously in the time during the war. After the war he gradually learned to trust his own judgement after he had taken some advice from officers such as Gates and Charles Lee. Then George developed what was maybe his greatest strength in the society suspicious of the military. His ability to deal with civil authority. On the battle field, Washington relied on a policy of trial and error, soon becoming a master of improvisation. Often Washington was accused of being overly cautious. He could be bold when success seemed possible. He learned to be skillful and to combine green troops with veterans to produce a winning, fighting force. After the war Washington returned to Mount Vernon, which had declined in his absence. Upon his return to Mount Vernon, Wasington concentrated on restoring his home. Even though he had become President of the Society of the Cincinnati, an organization of former Revolutionary war officers, he avoided involvement in Virginia politics. Washington added a greenhouse, a mill, an icehouse, and new land to the estate of Mount Vernon. Mount Vernon like Washington had already become a national institution.

Thomas Jefferson

(By Jessica Achtsam & Mindi Zamora)

Thomas Jefferson was born April 13, 1743 in Shadwell, Virginia. During his life, he had many accomplishments. Among them were a lawyer, a farmer, and a public official. He was the founder of the Democratic-Republican party. He became a member of the Continental Congress in 1775. He wrote the Declaration of Independence, and was the governor of Virginia from 1779 to 1781. As governor of the state, he guided Virginia through the troubled last years of the American Revolution. He was vice-president from 1797 to 1801 and later became 3rd President of the United States from 1801-1809.

Jefferson's most famous accomplishment was writing the Declaration of Independence. He was 33 when he wrote it. Jefferson had to write a declaration that would show the spirit of America -- one that would state the basic rights of individuals, justify a revolution, and inspire the people to make it happen. It had to state principles such as freedom, equality, justice, and democracy; but it also had to be written in an accurate, logical manner that would appeal to common sense and be understood by all the people who read it or heard it read. As stated by John W. Selfridge in Thomas Jefferson the Philosher President, "As enthusiastic as Adams was, in 1776 neither he, Jefferson, nor any of their friends could have forseen that the Declaration of Independence would be cherished by generations of Americans to come. The Declaration of Independence became a priceless national treasure, not only for its historical value with respect to the founding of the United States of America, but for its universal themes of freedom, equality, justice, and democracy. These ideals are at the foundation of American society and government, and have inspired democratic movements around the world for more than two centuries."

Of all his accompishments, the one he is most proud of is his family. His wife Martha Wayles Skelton, and his children, Martha Jane Randolph, Mary, and Lucy. They lived in a nice, cozy house overlooking Albermarle Country's lovely rolling hills. He named the place Monticello which means "little mountain" in Italian.

Ben Franklin

(By Cortney Mild & Heather Padgett)

Benjamin Franklin was born on January 17, 1706 on Milk Street in Boston, Massachusetts. He was the 15th of 17 children. His father was a candle and soap maker and a mechanic who emigrated from England in 1783. His mother, Abiah Folger, was his father's second wife.

Franklin had only 2 years of schooling, as his parents could not afford more. Franklin wanted to be a sailor, but since his older brother, Josiah, had died at sea, his father did not approve. Instead, his father sent him to apprentice his brother, a printer of the "The New England Courant." Because he was an insightful writer, and because he knew his brother would not print his work, Franklin wrote letters to the paper as Silence Dogwood, an elderly woman. When his brother discovered his secret, he became very angry with Benjamin and beat him on several occasions. Franklin Published the "Pennsylvania Gazette." He also wrote "Poor Richards Almanac" which became a best seller in North America. It included sayings such as "Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise."

Franklin was a very ingenious man. He invented the Franklin stove, also known as the Pennsylvania Fireplace. It gave a greater amount of heat and used less firewood. He also thought up a way to test if lightening was a form of electricity. He flew a kite during a thunderstorm. A bolt of lightening struck a wire fastened to the kite and caused an electric spark. This proved that lightening was a form of electricity. Using his newly found knowledge, he created the lightening rod which saved many buildings from fire. He also contrived bifocal lenses.

While he was alive, Benjamin Franklin improved Philadelphia greatly. He created a circulating library, Philadelphia's first fire company, a hospital, and an insurance company. Franklin offered plans for paving, cleaning, and lighting the streets. He also started a college, which later became a major university.

Franklin had quite an impressive political career. In 1751, he was elected to the Pennsylvania Assembly. This assembly wrote laws for the colonies. He was in public office for 40 years. He signed, edited, and framed the Declaration of Independence. Franklin also helped to write and accomplish the adoption of the Constitution of the United States of America.

Sadly, Benjamin Franklin died on April 17, 1790 at the age of 84. He is still known today for his vast accomplishments as an American printer, inventor, scientist, politician, philosopher.

Benjamin Franklin's Words of Wisdom

* "Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise"

* "When you run in debt you give another man power over your liberty."

* "A penny saved is a penny earned."

* "Never leave that til tomorrow which you can do today."

* "God helps those who help themselves."

* "Three can keep a secret if two are dead."

* "Where liberty dwells there is my country."

* "The doors of wisdom are never shut."

Betsy Ross

(By Cortney Mild & Heather Padgett)

Betsy Ross was born Elizabeth Griscom January 1, 1752 in Philadelphia. She was the eighth of seventeen children and a fourth generation American. Betsy went to school at a Quaker public school where she learned writing, reading, and possibly sewing. Thereafter, she was apprenticed to a local upholsterer. During this time, upholsterers were hired for all sorts of jobs including flag making.

At this apprenticeship, she met her first husband John Ross. They married in November 1773, but because Betsy's Quaker church frowned upon inter-denominational marriage and John was Episcopalian, so they chose to elope to a New Jersey tavern. Soon after their marriage, John and Betsy Ross started an upholstery business. In 1776, her husband was killed in a munitions explosion. After his death, Betsy returned to the Quaker church.

In June 1777, she married a sea captain named Joseph Ashburn at Old Swedes Church in Philadelphia. Betsy and Joseph had two daughters. Her second husband died shortly after the end of the American Revolution.Betsy met her third husband, John Claypoole, when he told her of her second husband's death. The two were married May of 1783 at Christ's Church. Before their marriage, John had earned a living as a sailor, but because of her second husband's death at sea, Betsy convinced him to go into business with her. Later he worked with the U.S. Customs house in Philadelphia. John and Betsy had five daughters. After years of ill health, he died in 1817, and Betsy never remarried.

In June 1776, a committee headed by General Washington came to visit Mrs. Ross. One of the members of the committee was Betsy's first husband's uncle, George Ross. This committee gave her a rough design of a flag that they requested her to make. It is said that Betsy was the one who convinced George Washington to use five-pointed stars ins

Will diversity work (Lengthy Question)?

Will diversity work (Lengthy Question)?

I'm in favor of free human individuals.

Genetic diversity is not much of a problem at all.

Tyranny is the problem. Let's hope the free human individuals win.

Holidays also on this date Friday, August 1, 2025...