Prevent Lyme in Dogs Month on April, 2025: dogs lymes!?

April, 2025 is Prevent Lyme in Dogs Month 2025. Prevent Pet Lyme Disease Learn how to protect your pet from Lyme Disease and other tick issues.

dogs lymes!?

No - dogs get lyme disease via the deer tick. You could get lyme disease if you were bit by a deer tick that carried the disease too - but not from your dog.

Your dog should be treated with a form of tetracycline for about a month to clear up the disease. There is a vaccine that you can give your dog to prevent the disease - but it's only about 60-70 percent effective. The best way to prevent it is to use Frontline which kills the ticks before they have attached themselves for the 48 hours required to pass lyme disease. It's about 99% effective at preventing the disease.

If you've been out in the woods or long grass - check both yourself and dog over really well to make sure that neither of you have any ticks - especially deer ticks. Deer ticks are very small and can be hard to see/find, so check your dog regularly.

Best wishes!

Are these seizures in my dog?

Are these seizures in my dog?

It could be a type of seizure or neorogicla issue. I would defintily contact the vet. Be sure to complete an adverse vaccine reaction for and be sure it's submitted.

I wouldn't let a 5 minute anything go on and get in contact with your vet. Kep a dairy of activity as well.

Lyme Disease is a tick born disease which can cause lameness, kidney failure and heart disease in dogs and people. Ticks transmit the disease to humans. Eighty five percent of Lyme disease cases in dogs in the USA are found in nine New England area states Michigan and Wisconsin.

We do not have Lyme disease in Texas. In the N.E. U. S. Ixodid ticks acquire the Lyme disease organism from the deer mouse. The Ixodid tick in Texas feeds on lizards which do not transmit Lyme disease.

Confusion as to the occurrence of Lyme disease in Texas exists due to three things. #1. In Texas we have a disease that closely resembles Lyme Disease, Southern Tick Associated Rash Illness or STARI cause by Borrelia lonestari and spread by the Lone Star Tick. ( Lyme disease is caused by Borrelia burgdoferi and spread by Ixodes scapularis.) #2.Lyme disease testing with the most commonly used test can give a false positive reaction to normal spirochete organisms in a dogs mouth. #3 Manufacturers of the vaccine and the test exaggerate the incidence of the disease in order to sell their product.

Texas A&M University has never seen a case of Lyme disease in a dog from Texas.

The advent of a new ,more accurate Lyme disease Test (Snap Test by Idexx) in 2000 will hopefully give us better information about the non-existence of this disease in Texas.

The average dog in Houston would be at very no risk of contracting Lyme disease. If you travel to endemic areas with your dog, you may still want to consider the safety & effectiveness of Lyme disease vaccine. Dr. Jacobson, Cornell Diagnostic Lab, reported a temporal relationship of 327 dogs which developed polyarthritis after vaccination with Lyme disease vaccine. These dogs did not show antibody titers suggestive of Lyme disease infection. Other causes of arthritis were ruled out. Lyme vaccine has been demonstrated to cause arthritis in hamsters. There is a class action suit in human medicine for failure to warn people about the possibility of developing polyarthritis from human Lyme disease vaccine.

The main antigen displayed by the Lyme disease organism inside the dogs body is Outer Surface Protein B- OSP B. Newer PCR vaccines by Muriel and Schering only contain OSP A antigens. The importance of OSP B & C antigens were discovered after the new vaccines were developed (2, 11)

Theoretically OSP A antibodies in the blood of an immunized dog are ingested by a tick. This prevents the bacteria from reproducing within the tick and therefore from being injected into the dog, if antibodies are in high enough concentrations.

Most Colleges of Veterinary Medicine do not recommend Lyme Disease vaccine.

Lyme disease prevention should emphasize early removal of ticks. Ticks must be attached to the dog for 24 hours to transmit the disease. Amitraz (Preventick) collars are more effective than Frontline as Amitraz paralyzes the tick’s mouth parts preventing transmission of disease (11). Amitraz tick collars should be used with extreme caution, as they are toxic if chewed on or swallowed by a dog or children. Frontline takes 24 - 48 hours to kill ticks, allowing for the possibility of disease transmission. This is an important aid in tick control, but will not prevent the transmission of tick born diseases like Lyme disease, Ehrlichia, Babesia or Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. Vaccinating pets against Lyme disease does not provide any protection for the owners.

Symptoms of Lyme disease in dogs usually develop two to five months after your dog is bitten by an infected deer tick. Symptoms of Lyme disease in dogs include:

A fever running between 103 and 105 degrees


Swelling in the joints, which appears suddenly

Swollen lymph glands


Loss of appetite

The lameness associated with Lyme disease symptoms in dogs appears suddenly, and may move mysteriously from one leg to another. This is different from the lameness associated with arthritis, which comes on slowly over a long period of time, and affects the same joint or joints consistently.

Lyme disease symptoms in dogs have been known to clear up mysteriously without treatment, only to reappear some time later. By this time the disease will have become significantly more advanced in your dog's body.

Should i consider getting this dog?

Should i consider getting this dog?

Okay. I think that you shouldn't get a puppy as a first REAL dog because of the lack of expierence on hands on taking care of a tiny really young dogdog.. but a teacup pup may not be the smartest idea because they are extremely fragile and you don't have much expeirence. I would recommend a teacup dog from mid to late adolence 7-24 months... they still have lots of life in front of them. Don't breed or buy while shelter dogs die! If you want a perfect match go to animal planet website... they have a dog breed quiz. Very accurate. Then read up the breed standards and info when it shows you which dog meets your preferences. Then research the breed you would like. See if you can find a Dogs101 clip on the breed. Very informative. Search Internet and read up to the breed.

See life expectancy and medical problems so you can be aware when they show symptoms of problems common in breed. Early detection is key. Purebreds don't usually live as long because they lack genetic diversity against disease and medical problems so get a mutt. Get regular checks to the vet. Make sure your doggy has preventitives so it wont get lyme disease or heart worms.... I recommend front line plus. Make sure its 24 hours after dogs baths before flea and tick meds. Have a special calendar marking when to give meds and vet trips and how long a sickness has been occurring as well as a record of symptoms for vet. That makes it hard for your dog to be sick when your being persistant. Excersise, plenty of water, food (with moderation) will keep her healthy. Blue diet and blue treats are good ... no corn syrup. If your dog gets over weight make sure to diet. Obesity shortens life time drastically. Spay and neuter because it will prevent some reproductive problems. Ask about rattle snake vaccine... will slower venom spread... still take to vet. Get dog micro chipped invade it runs away. Make sure your dog gets plenty of sleep. She may get medical problems from lack of sleep. Make sure she is ALWAYS up to date of vaccines and meds. Give her love and toys...

Spoil her.. but not too much. Make sure she is socialized because if she isnt she could be put to sleep if she attacks. MOST IMPORTANTLY KNOW WHEN ITS TIME TO LET GO IF SHE IS SUFFERING.

Good luck.


Holidays also on this date Tuesday, April 1, 2025...