Public Service Recognition Week on May, 2025: Mudaliar Caste week - Famous Mudaliars - Hindu Religion - Ponnambalam Arunachalam - - Who was he?

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Mudaliar Caste week - Famous Mudaliars - Hindu Religion - Ponnambalam Arunachalam - - Who was he?

He was one of the first Ceylonese to enter the prestigious Ceylon Civil Service in 1875.

He was appointed Registrar General in 1887. He showed his eminence in all the positions he held. His scientific compilation of the National Census Report in 1911 was a masterpiece.

The introductory report contains “the most luminous dissertation on the ethnological, social and economic conditions of the Island”. On his retirement from the Public Service in 1913, he was Knighted in recognition of his distinguished service to the country. He was also nominated by the Governor to a seat in the Executive Council.

He was the first Ceylonese to be elected President of the Ceylon Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society.

As President of the Saiva Paripalana Sabai he took much interest in Hindu Cultural matters. He was the first person to start agitating for a University for Ceylon (the first Hall of residence at the Peradeniya University, formally the Peradeniya campus of University of Ceylon was named Arunachalam Hall, in 1951).

The Ceylon Reform League was founded in May of that year with Sir Arunachalam as Chairman. This led to the formation of the Ceylon National Congress later in 1919. He died at Madurai on 9 January 1924, while on a pilgrimage worshipping at the Hindu Temples in South India.

இயற்றிய சமய நூல்கள்

A Revel in Bliss - தாயுமான சுவாமிகள் பாடல்களிற் சிலவற்றின் மொழிபெயர்ப்பு, 1895.

A Few Hymns of Manikka Vachaka and Thayumanavar - ஜி. யூ. போப் அவர்களுடன் இணைந்து மொழிபெயர்த்த மாணிக்கவாசகரினதும் தாயுமானவரினதும் பாடல்கள், சென்னை, 1897.

Studies and Translations from the Tamil - ஆய்வுகளும் மொழிபெயர்ப்புகளும், சென்னை.

Studies and Translations, Philosophical and Religious - கட்டுரைத் தொகுதி, முதற் பதிப்பு:1937, மறு பதிப்பு: 1981.

இவை தவிர திருக்கோவையார், கல்லாடம், திருமுருகாற்றுப்படை, ஞானவாசிட்டம், புறநானூறு என்பவற்றிலிருந்தும் மொழிபெயர்ப்புச் செய்துள்ளார்.

Kalamazoo Department of Public Safety Academy Training?

Kalamazoo Department of Public Safety Academy Training?

Kalamazoo offers a Citizen's Police Academy that is designed to educate citizen leaders about how the department functions. You can get more info from the 1st link below.

The Kalamazoo Department of Public Safety (KDPS) is the largest Public Safety Department in the country, with combined Police, Fire, and EMS. KDPS is a professional and progressive agency with a reputation as a leader within the law enforcement and firefighting community.

Licensing as a law enforcement officer in Michigan must be approved through the Michigan Commission on Law Enforcement Standards (MCOLES). This happens when the following two requirements are met by the candidate: (1) compliance with MCOLES minimum selection standards which includes satisfactory completion of a basic police academy or recognition of prior training and experience, and (2) employment with a law enforcement agency as a law enforcement officer. Previously licensed police officers in Michigan, or from another state, who are seeking re-licensure are directed to the MCOLES Recognition of Prior Training and Experience program.

In Kalamazoo, the academy-type training is done at:

Kalamazoo Law Enforcement Training Center

Larry Belen, Director

7107 Elm Valley Dr.

Kalamazoo, MI 49009


PET: 269-353-1260

FAX: 269-353-1266

** There are three ways to enter a basic training academy:

Option 1: Become employed by a law enforcement agency and attend basic training as an employed candidate;

Option 2: Enter directly into a regional academy prior to being hired; or

Option 3: Enter a 2-year or 4-year "track" program at an approved school.

Option 1: Approximately 50% of the candidates make application directly to a law enforcement agency. Upon being hired, the agency will assume the cost of training as well as the candidate's wage while in attendance at the academy. It should be pointed out that all pre-enrollment standards must be met by the employed candidate prior to the start of the academy session.

Option 2: Due to budgetary considerations, many law enforcement agencies will consider only those applicants that have already completed the academy training. In Michigan, a candidate may attend a police academy without being employed by an agency if he or she is willing to pay for the training. It is important to note that these "pre-service" candidates are required to obtain employment with a law enforcement agency as a law enforcement officer within one (1) year of graduation in order to be licensed, although one additional year of eligibility may be obtained by satisfactorily completing the RPTEP.

Pre-service candidates will attend an academy that lasts between fourteen (14) and sixteen (16) weeks. However, in order to be accepted, such candidates must possess an Associate's Degree or higher degree. If you do not possess a degree, consider Option 3.

Option 3: The pre-service "track" option, is specifically designed for those candidates who do not possess a college degree, but wish to pay for their own academy training. In these track programs, academic classes are offered during the first year and the MCOLES 594-hour curriculum is offered the second year. Some locations even offer a 4-year degree program. In other words, the track option combines the mandatory academy training with a traditional degree program in criminal justice.

Once all of the pre-enrollment standards have been met, including basic training, a candidate's license may be activated through MCOLES by being sworn in as a law enforcement officer with a law enforcement agency.

Are PAPs and APs the only people in need of support services?

Are PAPs and APs the only people in need of support services?

Dear Monkey,

I agree that there is a definite lack of REAL post-adoption support for FPs and adoptees. In my area, there are NO live support meetings for these two parts of the "triad" but there are MULTIPLE adoptive family/AP organizations and support groups.I think there are several reasons why there are so few actual live support groups:

1.) Many times "adoption support groups" that "include all sides of the triad" are uncomfortable and not particularly helpful because many people have difficulty being comfortable enough to honestly share their feelings with other parts of the "triad" in person. There used to be a live support group near me but it was all-inclusive and I believe part of the reason it failed is due to the fact that FPs and adoptees did not feel that they could speak freely about their issues without offending APs in the group and eventually it simply disbanded.

2.) Most of the first person/group "support" that I know of available for FPs is offered through agencies - which has its obvious issues and I am unaware of any "support groups" for adoptees in my immediate vicinity. I doubt many of us would be comfortable in an "agency sponsored" setting when it comes to "support". Many of us see agency sponsored support as not genuine, unhelpful and even insulting. Sort of like having the guy who said he was your friend and then broke your arm on purpose as your physical therapist or the neighbor who shot your relative being your grief counselor. (BTW, post adoption "support" for FPs and adoptees needs to be more than just "grief counseling".)

3.) Notice how adoptive family support and PAP/AP support are mostly run by "professionals" of some ilk or another? Why are there so few concerned "professionals" for the other parts of the "triad"? Could it be there is far less money in helping these two sides of the triad? (Unless it is through individual counseling at $60+/hr.)

4.) It is hard for some people who have been victimized (especially those who have been victimized in a violent/sexual/personal way) to recover at all, much less organize and support others in the same position. Certainly there are people who ARE able to do this and some who even heal through assisting others. Many people DO work for service organizations for personal reasons; but it seems as if most people who cope by educating/advocating for others tend to take a more active role. For example: domestic violence centers are often staffed by women who have experienced it first hand, same with rape crisis centers, and several other similar services - but not many have live support groups. I think this is because of the extremely personal nature of this kind of suffering and the past treatment and stigmas of these kinds of issues. Because the in the past, victims were treated with shame, blamed for their misfortunes or even shunned and ostracized, silent suffering was the expected means of coping with these issues. We are still a long way from making these kinds of people "publicly acceptable victims". Even mental illness and substance abuse were "closeted" for a long time and only began to receive public recognition/attention for what they really are in the last century. There were no AA meetings in the 1800's.

I am however, optimistic. Like any issue, there is a process for how society looks at and handles things. When enough people become effected by an issue, some will eventually begin to speak up. They will be called names, and people will say they are "the exception to the norm." Then more will tell their stories and other people will begin to listen. Then people will begin to educate others and raise awareness, and eventually the issue will become "acceptable" and worthy of attention instead of ignored, suppressed or dismissed.

As adoption has become more popular, so have the number of people effected by it and who are also effected by the problems in it. Adoption effects 50% of the US population in some way. The issues in adoption are becoming more and more "relevant" to the general public and more people are being made aware of the problems. Look at the changes in just the last 25 years. I do think the tide is changing and there WILL eventually be support groups for ALL members of the "triad" - both together and separately.

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever does.”

-Margaret Mead

(I know there are people who have issues with her, but I still believe this quote to be true.)

Holidays also on this date Thursday, May 1, 2025...