Return Shopping Carts to the Supermarket Month on February, 2025: What are you doing to observe Return Shopping Carts to the Supermarket Month?
February, 2025 is Return Shopping Carts to the Supermarket Month 2025. Ecommerce Shopping Cart - Our eCommerce Store Just Works So Simple, you'll be Shocked.
It is irritating when you pull into a parking place only to find a cart dumped there by a lazy shopper. I generally take the cart and put it in the corral which is about 15 feet away. When I lived in Spain supermarkets had a great idea - you had to "release" your cart from the corral by placing a coin in the slot and when you finished shopping, you hooked your cart to another and got your money back. No one complained, cars weren't damaged and life went on. I always return carts and sometimes help others - especially if they are aged or infirm.
What do people think of the PSA for Return Shopping Carts to the Supermarket Month?
I think people should not take any property that doesn't belong to them. I like the ads. I don't like the "entitlement' mentality.
Did you know that February is the month for....?
I did not know all of this. Thank you for the info though.