Save The Koala Month on September, 2025: Would you please help save Australia's Koalas?
September, 2025 is Save The Koala Month 2025. Save The Koala The Australian Koala Foundation - Save The Koala & Adopt One Today!
I ws going to post something about this too,possibly one of my "last chance to see" questions.
I don't understand why they refuse to list the koala as vulnerable.
You have my support Eartha.
Strongly worded e-mails sent.
Steve Irwin must be spinning in his grave.
Would you please help save Australia's Koalas?
OK, I'm not up on Australian politics, but isn't Peter Garrett the guy from Midnight Oil? And when did he lose his social conscience?
I need a situation, are you up for it?
there is this new species of koala bears, and they create this natural rare fertilizer for a special plant that has proven to cure cancer...and for some reason the species is going extinct and nobody knows why, So your just a normal person, and you volunteer to do this experiment to go in a time- machine and figure out what can fill in whatever with your imagination. You figure out that the koala bears have been infected by spiders (name your spider). And you figure this what seemed like a month or whatever, but was actually in present time about 10 years (where there is one last surviving koala bear) And originally if you didn't find the reason why the species was getting extinct then your job was to take a koala bear back with you.... that's basically all i got
sorry :/