World Down Syndrome Day 2025 is on Friday, March 21, 2025: downs syndrome?

Friday, March 21, 2025 is World Down Syndrome Day 2025. World Down Syndrome Day Join us and support people with Down syndrome on 21 March.


World Down Syndrome Day (WDSD) is observed on March 21. On this day, people with Down syndrome and those who live and work with them throughout the world organize and participate in activities and events to raise public awareness and create a single global voice for advocating for the rights, inclusion and well being of people with Down syndrome.

downs syndrome?

sweetie did you get this information from an AFP test or triple screen? the test isn't very accurate and it is ONLY a screening. If you miscalculated the day of your last period and you are off on your due date this could give you a false positive for DS. Your chances of having a down syndrome child are slim, but I have to tell isn't impossible either. I have met women as young as 18 that have had a child with DS. They next step you should take is to have a level 2 or high intesity ultra-sound. this is done by a special doctor and he/she will look for certain markers that might be present that are known to be DS such as the fungal fold, they will measure the babies neck, and they will also measure the long bones of the baby such as the legs and arms. the reason they do this is because the DS kids have a thicker fungal fold and they also have shorter arms and legs. They will also look for any heart defects such as av-canal (hole in the heart) and intestinal defects that are sometimes common in babies with down syndrome. If they find any of these markers they will ask you if you want an amnio done (put a needle in the abdomen and draw out fluid from around the baby) they will then have the dna analyzed to look for an extra chromosome. this is the only way to tell if your baby has down syndrome.

I have to tell you that having a child with down syndrome is not the end of the world! infact it is very rewarding. but at the same time it is hard work....I am not gonna lie to you, you will have to have patience as well as learn everything you can about down syndrome and what rights your child has to education, therapies etc. if indeed your child has DS you are going to want to get in touch with dept. of health and family services and they will get you an intake with the birth to 3 program. also and this is very important for your counties WIC (women infant and children) offices if you haven't done so already. they will set you up with vouchers for milk, cereal, cheese etc. that you can use while you are pregnant and once the baby is born you will be able to get formula if that is the way you want to go, if you want to go with breast feeding they will get you in touch with the county nurse who will get you a breast pump when you need it. this program lasts until your child is 5 yrs old and believe me it does help.

The reason I know all of this is because I went through it with my last pregnancy. my son does have down syndrome. he is 3 yrs old and they joy of my life! it may take him longer to meet his goals but he does do it and I am very proud of him and I wouldn't change a thing about him because he is the most loving, sweet natured little boy I know...along with being one of the naughtiest...LOL I know you are probably scared right now and overwhelmed...but please don't be. you were given a wonderful gift...a child. the road you are about to embark on is a tough road, especially since you are so young, but if you have the strength and determination to do it, you will be just fine. being a single mom isn't easy (been there) but at the same time it is very fullfilling I just hope and pray that you have people around you to help support your decisions. I hope this helps you somewhat and if you want to talk further you can email me anytime! take care and congratulations on the upcomming birth of your baby!!! =)

Down Syndrome??

Down Syndrome??

Congratulations in recognizing your son has potential and attempting to support his growth and development. As you may realize, the thicker tongue that is common with peoplel with DS inhibits the ability to clearly enunciate. With intervention over the next eighteen years you could find you son reaches those dreams of living in his own home, having a job, dating, etc.,

Having worked for years with people with various developmental disabilities and related conditions, I strongly recommend you consider the following

Open a case with your state/county mental health developmental disabilities agency who can give you a variety of supports including referrals to sources that will encourage his independence and developmental milestones

Join a support organization for DS which should be in your state. These are parents and other professionals who have similar experiences and may save you time and frustration. There is a national organization National Down Syndrome Organization (NDSO) is a fantastic resource for information and referrals.

Besides the therapist and school system (under Federal law he qualifies for free education and therapy from age 3 through 21 so you don't have to pay for pre-school unless you desire to), you should encourage him at home with various methods of speech development, i.e., singing which uses a different part of the brain than talking, looking at books where he can tell you the colors or animal names, etc. Push him in the areas of motor development though you may not see deficits at this time. Unfortunately, in time you may see where his developmental in the areas of visual motor, fine motor, and gross motor skills slows compared to his "average" peers. This therapy is called motor patterning and you can google it and/or have a developmental physical therapy or occupational therapist evaluate and provide exercises for the home.

I congratulation you for having a beautiful child who is loved and who will progress to become an independent adult.

is it rare that a person with down syndrome has a pacemaker?

is it rare that a person with down syndrome has a pacemaker?

Hi Courtney.

I don't think it is necessarily rare that a person with Down syndrome has a would just depend on the type of heart condition you have. My son has Down syndrome and had a heart operation when he was 2 months old. He does not have a pacemaker now, but while he was recovering, they did have a pacemaker hooked up to him as a backup.

It's a great question to ask...I'm interested to see what replies you get!

Oh, and this is about a week late, but Happy World Down Syndrome Awareness Day!

Holidays also on this date Friday, March 21, 2025...