Black Music Month on June, 2025: Black History Month ?

June, 2025 is Black Music Month 2025. African-American Music Appreciation Month is a celebration for African American Music every year in the month of June in the United States.

JUNE Is Black Music Month

African-American Music Appreciation Month is a celebration for African American Music every year in the month of June in the United States.

Black History Month ?

Black people have contributed many music genres to Americans.

They helped the modern music to emerge.

Why dont they teach soul music in black history month?

Why dont they teach soul music in black history month?

i listen to rap and i've heard of marvin gaye...

and i've never had a black history month class

What are you doing for Black Music Month?

What are you doing for Black Music Month?

Hi,Well in my household growing up we listened all kinds of music growing up my step dad is black and is more like my dad than my father was ever to me.And my mom is white not this matters but we usually have a big family dinner plus friends and listen all the classics and currant music now. Hope this helps answer your question.God Bless.

Holidays also on this date Sunday, June 1, 2025...