International Clothesline Week on June, 2025: Who is the better Rapper John Cena or R Truth? What Are WSW First Episode Results? Part 1? + WQ?

International Clothesline Week 2025. Day by Day, at home, away: International Clothesline Week Begins Today International Clothesline Week Begins Today

Who is the better Rapper John Cena or R Truth? What Are WSW First Episode Results? Part 1? + WQ?

Man its me Scott Diamond, it took me forever to find this, so can you add me.

Who is going to win at Bragging Rights: Raw or Smackdown? WSW Sign Ups ( More Info)?

Who is going to win at Bragging Rights: Raw or Smackdown? WSW Sign Ups ( More Info)?

Name:Scott Diamond

Nickname: The Double Crosser

Face, Heel or Tweener: Tweener

Gender: Male

Height: 6 Foot 5 Inches

Weight: 255lbs

From: Long Island, New York

Gimmick: Cocky, Powerhouse the crowd lovws me though

Attire: Loose Pants Tatoo on arm and I look Like Cody Rhodes

Signature Moves (7 at maximum): Spear, Clothesline, Big Boot, Powerbomb, Powerslam, Scoop Slam, Spinebuster

Finishers (4 at maximum): Cross Face, Cross Rhodes

Promo: I am Scott Diamond I am here in this comapny for three reasons respect, To win Titles and to be the best wrestler in the company, and I will not stop until I acheive avery single one of my goals.

Willing to be a tag team? I guess

What Roster do you want to be in? ( If it's inequal i will change it around) Danger

What Title/Championship would you like to go for? Doesn't matter as long as I have one.

I am confused is it called WSW or WWS

My neighbours, the Crabtrees, are away, and the Animals have begun to play?

My neighbours, the Crabtrees, are away, and the Animals have begun to play?

Careful Auntie, you may have inadvertently stumbled across a Major International Crimelord Summit. The Rabbit is the Head of the Southern & Eastern Broads Cartel, and they are Primary Sugar & Carrot Suppliers, to some of the Largest Crime Families in the whole of Nutwood! The Mole is a CIA Underground Agent, covertly working with a Major Player for the Columbian Kali-Karrot Cartel. Don't be fooled by the vacant "Penfold" expression, (from Dangermouse, actually!.... it's not all about you, Penfold) Underneath that Silky, Velvet Coat, beats the Heart of a ...well, lets just say, a Heart! The Priestess "Doll" you saw, is actually the 8500 yr Old High Priestess of Tezcatlipoca, an Ancient Indiginous Blood Demon, said to consume the Living Hearts of her, often more than willing Human Sacrifices. Probably the most Dangerous

"Little Person" since ....Inch High, Private Eye was "Retired"

Big Hat Guy is the Columbian Kali's Head of Investment. This meeting must be of truly momentous importance, if He's here. That Rabbit must be about to make her move, She must be holding some pretty major cards to think She can just Takeover what, lets face it, is Probably the largest Criminal Operation since Princess Diana's Autopsy. Stay out of sight, Auntie, if any of those People see you here, and are able to make the connection, then we are all going to be "Sleeping with the Fishes" soon. Thats what that Stupid "Bondage Bear" is doing here. He's the Button Man for the Rabbit. Clinically, he's what they class as an "Anal, O Gee! Extremely Rare, almost unheard of, He is the Psychological Version of the Ebola Virus, Nobody has even the faintest Idea of the Depths a Psyche, as abnormally depraved and Septic as FMB's will stoop to. The Rabbit knows though, for sure,or He wouldn't be so Devoted to the furry Psychopath! These Two are the Supersized "Bonny and Clyde" of the Badlands, between the Vaguely Plausible, and the Openly Absurd. And all places inbetween. And the Crypto' in the Trees? We Both Know he isn't really there, don't we Auntie? And as long as it stays that way, then he won't be "Not really Here", as well, Okay? You understand, yes? Just stay out of sight, and I'll find out what that Rabbit has on the Table. Then, we'll take it from there, Okay?

Holidays also on this date Sunday, June 1, 2025...