National Nurses Day and Week on May, 2025: When is School Nurse Day?

National Nurses Day and Week 2025. National Nurses Day Send Wishes To Loved Ones On Any Occasion With Hallmark Cards.

When is School Nurse Day?

The Wednesday within National Nurse Week has been established as National School Nurse Day. (National Nurse Week is always May 6th through May 12th)

I need some ideas for national nursing week?

I need some ideas for national nursing week?

do a free clinic in your neighborhood. advertize thru community newsletter - help the youth / oldies with whatever they seem to hv a nursing related issue.

or have an exhibition on health promotion - at a mall or some prominent public place

get the local health clinic to come in and help advertize their services to the pple who are ignorant abt health issues

what is day of 14Th November?

what is day of 14Th November?

Inuit Asking Festival (Eskimo)

Moccas (Celtic Pig Goddess Festival)

National Geography Awareness Week

National Guacamole Day

Operating Room Nurse Day

Works Getting into Championship (Gremlins)

Calendar of Saints - November 14

St. Dubricus' Day - he crowned King Arthur

is that what you wanted to know????

Holidays also on this date Thursday, May 1, 2025...