PTA Teacher Appreciation Week on May, 2025: Teacher Appreciation Week activities?
PTA Teacher Appreciation Week 2025. Teacher Appreciation Week 400+ Gifts to Show Appreciation. From 60¢ - Mugs, Totes, Pens, etc.
Things that my school has done are: a catered lunch for the teachers, a massage therapist came in to give 10-20 min shoulder massages in teacher lounge for teachers on prep, we were given personalized note pads, we were given a small gift bag of "survival" supplies (post its, sharpies, paperclips, etc.), at our school we have to ration our copy paper so as a gift we were given an extra ream of colored copy paper (a rare thing!), we were given $5.00 gift gards to either starbucks, a video store, or a book store, and finally we have also had a "teacher dinner out" provided by the PTA
When is Teacher Appreciation Week in Richardson, TX?
National PTA established Teacher Appreciation Week as the first full week of May. The NEA Representative Assembly then voted to make the Tuesday of that week National Teacher Day. [4]
Anyone have ideas for Teacher Appreciation Week?
Prepare breakfast for all the teachers one morning during the week.
Write poems, letters, or notes of appreciation and leave them in teachers' mailboxes. Read them at morning assembly or over the intercom.
Take orders the previous night so that coffee and pastries from the local coffeehouse are waiting for the teachers when they arrive at work.
Print teachers' names on coffee mugs, T-shirts, or other items to commemorate the years' efforts.
Write teachers notes like "Well done!" for going above and beyond or accepting a challenge. Let teachers know that you see how they care about students, and their efforts are appreciated.
Plan an end-of-the-day stress relief game such as volleyball or softball. Provide free snacks and refreshments.
One morning in the teachers' lounge, surprise the faculty with muffins, fruit, and coffee.
Organize an event in which parents and administrators cover teachers' classrooms for an hour during lunch so that they can enjoy a meal outside of their classrooms.
Have each teacher's homeroom class decorate a shoe box or flowerpot that the teacher can use to store special notes, cards, gifts, and other treasures.
Decorate the staff lounge and the hallways of the school with Teacher Appreciation Week themed pictures and banners.
Create your own Walk of Fame for your teachers. Get a piece of donated red carpet or put red butcher paper down in the entry hall. Make gold stars with a teacher's name on each, and have the school meet the teachers as they arrive one morning.
Perform random acts of kindness for teachers--have their classroom windows washed or use professional development funds to hire subs to supervise classes for an hour so teachers can take a break or meet with colleagues.
This project is planned for teachers who are serving in the military and have been called up for service. The parents, other teachers, and students can collect useful items to send to them in "care packages" (for instance: soap, deodorant, sunscreen, snack items, cards, letters, banners). This allows the schools to do something productive in a worrisome time and, best of all, lets that teacher know that they are supported, missed, and remembered.
I have been fortunate enough to experience many celebrations during the past 30 years, from luncheons to flowers. But the most touching celebration is the one that comes from the children ... from their hearts. A card, a note, a picture that says "you are loved and appreciated" is the best. I have saved many "little celebrations" over the years from children and each one carries a memory and a piece of soul that will last forever. I look at them often.
--Percy Hill, K-8 Physical Education & Health
I had a creative mom one year who took the students outside and had my students create letters with their bodies--then she photographed them. When she put all of the photos together, they spelled out "THANKS FOR A GREAT YEAR!" All of my students were in the photos!
--Roxann Rose-Duckworth, former elementary teacher, current College of Education professor
Our two staff bathrooms were very plain and utilitarian. One year, the PTA/PTO spent a whole weekend at school to surprise us: On Monday, when we arrived at school we discovered that the bathrooms had been redecorated--wallpaper, new paint, pictures on the wall, a little dresser to hold our personal items, fresh flowers. The following year, the PTA/PTO brought kids into school over a weekend and put their handprints in red, blue, or yellow paint on the walls of the front foyer as a welcoming touch.
1) Shoe-box sized plastic storage box full of school and classroom supplies that you can stock up on throughout the year at sales, clearance stores, etc.
2) Bag of popcorn and a flavored salt sampler.
3) Gift certificate for a video rental.
4) Homemade fudge in take-out meal containers (or Biscotti, or gingerbread men).
5) Pencils printed with their names on them.
6) Painted glass ball ornaments.
7) Flavored coffee or tea mixes.
8) Coffee and cup decorated by your child.
9) A candle and candleholder.
10) Anything for the classroom: games, writing equipment, books, rulers, things to decorate or theme objects.
11) Handmade items from the students (potholder, pencil holder, etc).
12) Movie theater passes.
13) A small basket of lotions or soaps.
14) A letter from the student (and/or parent) telling what they enjoyed about the year or the teacher's input into the child's life.
15) A small plant potted in a thrift store coffee mug or tea cup.
16) A child-made apple-shaped something or other (although over the years many teachers end up with more apple decorations than they have room for in their house or classroom).
17) Baked goods (bread, cookies, candies, quick breads, etc.).
18) Chocolate dipped pretzels.
19) Chocolate anything.
20) Christmas ornament.