Emergency Medical Services Week on May, 2025: Emergency Medical Technician?

Emergency Medical Services Week 2025. EMS Week EMS Week

Emergency Medical Technician?

Anyone who has watched "ER" knows the critical role emergency medical technicians (EMTs) play in providing urgent medical attention to a wide variety of patients. If you want a career with the potential for an immediate impact on people's lives, this challenging work could be just right for you. Here's how to get there.

Step 1 Take as many high school courses as possible in biology, chemistry and health, along with driver's education.

Step 2 Volunteer with your local ambulance/rescue squad. This can provide valuable real-world experience, and many volunteer units offer training in emergency medical procedures such as first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).

Step 3 Enroll in a basic EMT training program. These programs consist of 110 to 120 hours of classroom instruction and 10 hours of hospital internship, are offered by municipal police, fire and health departments, and are required by all 50 states in preparation for certification.

Step 4 Pass the EMT-Basic written and practical exams given by your state - or the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians - to become a Registered EMT-Basic.

Step 5 Complete an additional 35 to 55 hours in the classroom and more advanced fieldwork to prepare for examination and certification at the next level of Registered EMT-Intermediate.

Step 6 Become a Registered EMT-Paramedic by completing a rigorous program of 750 to 2,000 hours of course work and internships, culminating in your state's or the National Registry EMT-Paramedic's exams.

Step 7 Maintain your registration through periodic refresher courses and recertification, as required.

Tips & Warnings

EMT work can be alternately stressful, dangerous and dull. Consider volunteering with a local ambulance unit to get an up-close and personal look at the job before committing to this unique career.

EMT Basic (also known as EMT I) represents the first component of the Emergency Medical Technician system. An EMT I is trained to care for patients at the scene of an accident while transporting patients by ambulance to the hospital under medical direction. An EMT I has the emergency skills to assess a patient’s condition and manage respiratory, cardiac and trauma emergencies.

The EMT Intermediate (EMT II and III) have more advanced training that allows the administration of intravenous fluids, the use of manual defibrillators to give life-saving shocks to stopped hearts, and the applications of advanced airway techniques and equipment to assist patients experiencing respiratory emergency.

Working conditions: EMTs work both indoors and outdoors in all types of weather. They are required to do considerable kneeling, bending, and heavy lifting. Many people find the work of an EMT exciting and challenging and enjoy the opportunity to help others. EMTs employed by fire departments work 40-50 hours per week; those employed by hospitals frequently work between 40-60 hours per week; and those employed by private ambulance services work between 45-50 hours per week.

Training and other qualifications and advancement: Formal training and certification is needed to become an EMT. All 50 states have a certification procedure. To maintain certification, EMTs must register usually every 2 years. In order to register, an individual must be working as an EMT and meet continuing education requirements. Basic coursework typically emphasizes emergency skills such as managing respiratory trauma and cardiac emergency and patient assessment. Formal courses are often combined with time in an emergency room or ambulance. The program also provides for instruction and practice dealing with bleeding, fractures, airway obstruction, cardiac arrest, and emergency childbirth. Students learn how to use and maintain common emergency equipment such as backboards, suction devices, splints, oxygen delivery systems, and stretchers. Graduates of an approved EMT training program who pass a written and practical examination administered by the state certifying them with the title of Registered EMT Basic. This course is also a prerequisite for EMT Intermediate and EMT Paramedic Training.

more info here:

Emergency Money/Student Loans?

Emergency Money/Student Loans?

I am not sure the name of the local organization you contacted?

The state of Ohio through the Health Department has a Ryan White program.

"HIV Case Management Program / Ryan White Emergency Financial Assistance Program

HIV Case Management agencies are located throughout Ohio, providing coverage for every county in the state. Case managers who are trained to help people living with HIV or AIDS can help find the medical treatment and programs they need. A case manager can also determine eligibility for Ryan White Emergency Financial Assistance.

The purpose of the Ryan White Emergency Financial Assistance Program is to assist individuals who are HIV positive and have an emergency need that is HIV-related. The program is one of last resort. Services that may be covered include: medical services, limited dental services and limited mental health services .

The Ohio Department of Health (ODH) administers the Ohio HIV Drug Assistance Program (OHDAP) program, providing medications to fight HIV and to treat HIV-related conditions. In addition to OHDAP, the Health Insurance Premium Payment (HIPP) Program is designed for those with health insurance coverage (including COBRA) and the Ohio Medicaid Spenddown Payment (OHMSDP) program is for those with HIV who are on Medicaid and have a spenddown that they must meet each month."

(Link to the above information, which includes contact information)

More details about the Case management program

"HIV Case Management Program

HIV case management agencies are located throughout Ohio, providing coverage for every county in the state. Case managers who are trained to help people living with HIV or AIDS can help find the medical treatment and programs they need. A case manager who is familiar with the community can help find doctors, housing, support groups or transportation for people who need these services. There is no fee for their help. A case manager can also determine eligibility for Ryan White Emergency Financial Assistance (RWEA). Case managers must be licensed social workers and adhere to the HIV Care Services’ Standards of Care."

While the above program only provides financial assistance related to the HIV diagnosis, if you are able to get a case-manager he/she can help you find services out there you may not be aware of.

Loan companies would not give a loan based on an expected refund amount from a student loan. Loan companies, such as payday loans and those types of loan companies want to see pay stubs and your title loan companies of course want to see titles, because then they know they can go after the person for the money. A hypothetical student loan refund amount is not a guarantee.

I am honestly disappointed that the social services department at the hospital did not provide you with a list of resources and make referrals to agencies like through the Ohio state Department of Health. Typically when professionals call to agencies with situations like this, since verification of the diagnosis is part of the process all of that can get ironed out. All the patient has to do is sign a release of information saying it is okay to make referrals.

Since your rent situation appears to be the top of your priority list, if I were in this situation instead of calling, I would personally visit local churches to try to see if they would be willing to donate money to assist me with paying rent. Showing up in person shows you are who you say you are, and it puts a face behind the need. Let them know you are in school, and will receive your student loan refund next month, and have been unemployed after looking for employment, your unemployment ended and you are unable to pay your June rent at this time. Let them know you have no family that can assist you and that you have nowhere else to turn. I think for the churches that do provide you with money, it would also be a good thing just to give them something back in return...and they may be more willing to give monies that way. I don't know how your health is or if you are physically capable........but perhaps asking if you could mow their lawn, help clean the building, etc. Usually religious entities are used to the individuals who just ask for money, but it is rare to get the person who says he/she would be willing to give back....this may make them view your case more legitimately then just someone trying to use the system, so to speak.

Best wishes!

Emergency Medical Technician?

Emergency Medical Technician?

Becoming an EMT is definitely possible to do while in college. The class is offered at most Community Colleges and for me was a semester long, and is worth 8 credit hours. For me to apply for the class all that I needed was a GED(high school diploma), and a CPR card. You can receive one of these CPR cards at pretty much any school or fire department, and it only takes like a couple of hours.

As far as the schedule goes I'm not sure if you were talking about the school schedule or the work schedule...

But the school schedule for me was a bit different cause I chose the night version. But I went to class twice a week for 4 hours each for 16 weeks. During this time you are required to do about 6 or 7 twelve hour shifts at your local Emergency Room, or Ambulance base. My class cost me about $700, but I should probably warn you that that didn't include uniform($80), books($80-90), drug screen($50), background check($20), or the National testing that is required at the end of class($120). Just so ya know...

As far as the work schedule goes for EMT's and Paramedics... Where I work the shifts are 10, 24 hour shifts per month full-time. Part-time 5, 24 hour shifts per month. But some departments work 48 hour shifts, and some private services actually work 8, and 12 hour shifts.

Hope this helps!

Good Luck!

Holidays also on this date Thursday, May 1, 2025...