Pan American Week on April, 2025: Pan-American Highway?

Pan American Week 2025. Pan American Day is a holiday observed by several countries in North and South America. It commemorates the First International Conference of American States which concluded on April 14, 1890, creating the International Union of American Republics, the forerunner to the Organization of American States (OAS).

Vaccination Week Organized by Pan American Health Organization

Pan American Day is a holiday observed by several countries in North and South America. It commemorates the First International Conference of American States which concluded on April 14, 1890, creating the International Union of American Republics, the forerunner to the Organization of American States (OAS).

Pan-American Highway?

Panama to Argentina! Thats pretty far! Itll take you at least 2 weeks at the least! But Im counting that youll want to stop in a couple places too for maybe a few days! So could take you anywhere between 3 weeks, and a month! If you dont stop anywhere, only in hotels for the night and then drive all day, you should make it in 2 maybe 2 and a half weeks!

what was Diego Rivera concept behind his pan american unity mural?

what was Diego Rivera concept behind his pan american unity mural?

"Despite all his difficulties, the artist retained affection for the United States, and when in 1940 he was invited back to San Francisco to paint a mural for the Golden Gate International Exposition on Treasure Island, he happily accepted and spent weeks perched on still another scaffold while gawking fair-goers watched him paint from behind velvet ropes.

His theme was Pan-American unity, and even for Rivera this last American mural (right and following pages) was an enormously ambitious work: nothing less, said the artist, than ”… the fusion of the genius of the South (Mexico) with its religious ardor and its gift for plastic expression and the genius of the North (the United States) with its gift for mechanical expression.” The powerful symbol of this fusion was “a colossal Goddess of Life [next page], half Indian, half machine. She was to the American civilization of my vision what Quetzalcoatl, the great mother of Mexico, was to the Aztec people.”

The size of the completed mural, too, was grandiose-so large, in fact, that when the fair closed the following year, no room large enough to house it could be found in all San Francisco. The fresco panels languished in storage for twenty years (suffering considerable damage in the process), until a suitable home could be designed and built for them in the lobby of the Arts Auditorium of the San Francisco City College.

Despite the color and energy of Rivera’s American work, as Bertram Wolfe has written, “the entire fruit” of Rivera’s “invasions of the United States … added little to his enduring work as a painter.” Rivera’s best work already lay behind him when he came to the U.S. in 1931. Partly this was because, like all artists, he worked best when he fully understood his subject-as he did when glorifying the Mexican past. Rivera “really did not understand, nor feel, the color, form and meaning of the civilization of the United States as he did that of his own country.”

Moreover, politics too often got in the way of his American painting. “One result of Rivera’s simple-minded partisan commitment,” wrote critic Frank Getlein, “is that the American murals constitute a seemingly endless series of portrait heads. The work is a freight train; the only aesthetic problem is to count the cars.”

Nonetheless, his work—and his well-publicized struggles for self-expression—had a considerable impact on American art, helping to inspire a whole generation of Depression-era muralists to create their own indigenous “art for the masses.”

For a picture, please see link 2

Have anyone stayed in the Pan American hotel in Queens Boulevard-New York?

Have anyone stayed in the Pan American hotel in Queens Boulevard-New York?

En esta página tienes información y comentarios de personas que han estado en ese hotel. Por el mapa de situación que tienen no está muy cerca que digamos de Manhattan, teniendo en cuenta las distancias tan enormes que hay por esas tierras. Me perdonarás por responderte en español, pero me llevaría mucho tiempo traducirlo, y como he visto que eres de aquí pues eso... Hay que hacer patria... Je,je,je.

Yo estuve en Nueva York el año pasado, si quieres preguntarme lo que sea, no dudes en ponerte en contacto conmigo.

Un saludo.

Holidays also on this date Tuesday, April 1, 2025...