Be Kind To Animals Week on May, 2025: If I found someone torture animal, where should i report to?

Be Kind To Animals Week 2025. PETAKiDS > Save Animals > 'Be Kind to Animals' Week 'Be Kind to Animals' Week

If I found someone torture animal, where should i report to?

Malaysia's animal cruelty laws:



43. In this Part, unless the context otherwise requiresU

"animal" means any living creature other than a human being and includes any

beast, bird, fish, reptile or insect, whether wild or tame.


Penalty for cruelty to animals

44. (1) Any person whoU

(a) cruelly beats, kicks, ill-treats, overrides, overdrives, overloads, tortures,

infuriates or terrifies any animal; or

(b) causes or procures or, being the owner, permits any animal to be so used;


(c) being in charge of any animal in confinement or in course of transport

from one place to another neglects to supply such animal with sufficient

food or water; or

(d) by wantonly or unreasonably doing or omitting to do any act, causes any

unnecessary pain or suffering, or, being the owner, permits any

unnecessary pain or suffering to any animal; or

(e) causes, procures or, being the owner, permits to be confined, conveyed,

lifted or carried any animal in such manner or position as to subject it to

unnecessary pain or suffering; or

(f) employs or causes or procures or being the owner, permits to be

employed in any work or labour, any animal which in consequence of any

disease, infirmity, wound or sore, or otherwise is unfit to be so employed;


(g) causes, procures or assists at the fighting or baiting of any animal, or

keeps, uses, manages, or acts or assists in the management of any

premises or place for the purpose, or partly for the purpose, of fighting or

baiting any animal, or permits any premises or place to be so kept,

managed or used, or receives or causes or procures any person to

receive, money for the admission of any person to such premises or place,

shall be guilty of an offence of cruelty and shall be liable to a fine of two hundred

ringgit or to imprisonment for a term of six months or to both.

(2) For the purposes of this section an owner shall be deemed to have permitted

cruelty within the meaning of this Part if he shall have failed to exercise reasonable care

and supervision in respect of the protection of the animal from cruelty:

Provided that where an owner is convicted of permitting cruelty within the

meaning of this Act by reason only of his having failed to exercise such care and

supervision, he shall not be liable to imprisonment without the option of a fine.


(3) Nothing in this section shall apply to the commission or omission of any act in

the course of the destruction, or the preparation for destruction, of any animal as food

for mankind, unless such destruction or such preparation was accompanied by the

infliction of unnecessary suffering.

(4) Notwithstanding paragraph (1)(g) the Chief Minister in a State may by written

permit authorize the wrestling of bulls in such State, subject to such conditions as may

be specified in the permit either on a special occasion of public interest or if he is

satisfied that such wrestling is beneficial to the breed and, in either case, that no

cruelty to any animal will arise from such wrestling, and where such wrestling is

conducted in accordance with the conditions of such permit paragraph (1)(g) shall be

deemed not to apply to such wrestling.

Power of veterinary authorities and police officers

45. (1) Any veterinary authority and any police officer may arrest without warrant any

person whom he sees committing any offence under section 44, and may seize any

animal in respect of which and any conveyance or article with or by means of which

such offence has been committed.

(2) Any person so arrested and any conveyance or article so seized shall be

immediately taken to a police station.

(3) Any animal so seized shall be taken to a police station or a pound or a

veterinary centre and may, subject to any order made in respect of the animal by a

Magistrate, be there detained until the accused has been tried.

(4) Any such officer may stop in any street or public place and examine any animal

in respect of which he has reason to believe that an offence has been or is being

committed under section 44.

Power of Town Board or Municipal Officers

46. Within any town or Municipal limits the powers given by section 45 to veterinary

authorities and police officers may be exercised by any officer appointed in that behalf

by the Mayor of a City Council or City Hall, President of a Municipal Council, District

Council or Local Authority or General Manager of a Town Council or Town Board, as the

case may be.

Some of this may not have copied and pasted well, so it is best that you go to the site, but from what I am seeing, yes, there are people you can report it to, and he will be investigated. Good luck!

What jobs can I get with a Biology or Zoology degree working with animals?

What jobs can I get with a Biology or Zoology degree working with animals?

     I just researched this a few weeks ago because I asked the exact same questions as you did! What I found was that Biology is a very broad study of all living things, all of nature, opposed to Zoology which studies animals and their behaviors. If you're looking for a career working with animals, I'd recommend majoring in Zoology so that you'll have better experience and knowledge of animals. I copied tons of information from a couple websites giving information for careers with animals along with their average pay.


Biology careers: environmental biologist, medical technologist, microbiologist, molecular biologist, pharmacist, physical therapist, physician, teacher /professor, veterinarian, and wildlife biologist


    Zoology is the study of animals, from tiny organisms invisible to the human eye to the blue whale, the largest animal on earth. Zoologists explore how animals evolve over time, how they reproduce and develop, and how they interact with one another and the world around them.

     An undergraduate degree will prepare you for a range of fields, including human medicine. With advanced study, a bachelor of science degree in zoology can lead to a career as a doctor, veterinarian, pharmacist, zoo keeper, or park ranger. Some schools also offer a bachelor of arts degree that requires fewer science courses and can lead to such careers as environmental journalism or teaching.

     Zoologists go in to become: Animal Control Officers, Animal keepers, Biomedical illustrators, Conservation Officers, Environmental lawyers, Fisheries Biologists, Game park managers, Laboratory technicians, Museum curators, Park naturalists, Park Rangers, Radiation Safety Officers, Research assistants in a zoo, Teachers, or Wildlife biologists.

     Are you an animal lover? Do you like spending time outdoors? Do you enjoy performing experiments in the laboratory? Do you worry about extinction or wonder what animals can teach us about ourselves? Whatever your interest, there’s something for you in zoology, a field as varied as the animal kingdom itself.


     Animal caretakers, sometimes called animal attendants or animal keepers, are responsible for feeding, watering, grooming, bathing, and exercising animals as well as cleaning, disinfecting, and repairing their cages. They also play with the animals, provide companionship, and observe behavioral changes that might indicate illness or injury. Boarding kennels, animal shelters, stables, veterinary hospitals and clinics, laboratories, aquariums, and zoos all employ caretakers.

Animal caretakers - average wage of $10.50 an hour in 2009.


     Providing effective and humane medical care for animals is the central mission of veterinary science. However, veterinarians and veterinary technicians may also focus on a number of other goals:

-Educating owners and the public about animal health and safety issues

-Advising businesses about project costs

-Ensuring the quality and safety of products produced by, derived from, or created for animals

-Researching and monitoring the relationship between animal and human diseases

-Working for improved legal protections and humane treatment standards for animals

-Advancing medical science and biotechnology through laboratory research

     A love of animals is not enough in this field. It requires an aptitude for such sciences as anatomy, physiology, chemistry, and cell biology. Most jobs in veterinary science require years of education -- a medical degree or a Ph.D. in addition to a four-year, science-intensive bachelor's degree. But there are also jobs for those who want to follow a more direct and less expensive route to the field of animal medicine. Veterinary technicians (VTs), who can be certified in as few as two years, assist both doctors of veterinary medicine and laboratory researchers. Likewise, zoos and aquariums hire technicians and scientists-in-training to perform general animal care and exhibit maintenance.

     If you work in a veterinary-care setting, you may be responsible for creating and managing patient records and health histories. You may also collect and analyze laboratory specimens, assist the vet during surgeries or other medical procedures, take and develop x-rays, and perform preventative dental care. Since you'll also have plenty of contact with pet or animal owners, it will be important that you can communicate effectively and sensitively.

Veterinary technicians earned an average wage of $14.70 an hour in 2009.

Veterinarians 2010 Median Pay:  $82,040 per year;  $39.44 per hour


I'd like to stress how important it is to find a career that you love. It may even be more important that getting a big pay check since you don't want to spend the majority of your life doing something you hate. Just keep that in mind. Hope you find a career that's fit for you! :)

What kind of animal should i get for a pet?

What kind of animal should i get for a pet?

Well, it depends on the kind of animals you like. I would suggest a dog or a cat. Many people don't like these pets and say they are alot of work. But believe it or not, a dog or cat is less work than a smaller animal, such as a hamster or a rabbit. These smaller animals live in cages that have to be cleaned out at least once a week and they are alot of hard work. I would also take into consideration the age of the person that the pet is for. You can also train a cat to go in a litter box and train a dog to go to the door when he needs outside. If you want less work, get a fish.

Holidays also on this date Thursday, May 1, 2025...