Food Allergy Awareness Week on May, 2025: It's Food Allergy Awareness Week!?

Food Allergy Awareness Week 2025. FARE Food Allergy Research & Education. Learn More or Become a Member.

It’s Food Allergy Awareness Week!?

I just avoid the foods that will cause me to break out in hives! My nephew who is allergic to eggs wheat and milk has spent his life avoiding these foods.

What is there to know other than to avoid things that give you problems? Learn to be a really good label reader and don't buy anything that has those food products in it. Eating out? most quality restaurants have lists of ingredients in their plates, just ask!! If they don't answer, walk out the door, they will change if they lose enough customers.

I noticed that Village Inn Pancake House restaurants in Albuquerque have changed their policy on "I'm sorry, the kitchen only fixes the plates one way and we cannot substitute or hold anything". and now they will tell me what is on the plate!!

Celiac Disease Awareness Month?

Celiac Disease Awareness Month?

May as Celiac Awareness Month

By Beth Hillson, President, American Celiac Disease Alliance

In response to the question about May as Celiac Awareness month — the overwhelming majority of celiac organizations and all of the Celiac Research Centers in the United States recognize May as National Celiac Disease Awareness Month.

Internationally, the Association of European Coeliac Societies recognizes Celiac Disease in May and celiac events are held throughout the world to raise awareness.

(The association represents 26 countries of the EU - including Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and UK)

The May observance in the United States was chosen to coincide with our international colleagues. It was also done in recognition of the many other medical conditions related to celiac disease that are observed in May. Celiac disease is still relatively unknown and being able to draw connections between these medical conditions and celiac disease helps to elevate its importance and enhance awareness. Some of the other May health observances include:

* Digestive Diseases Awareness Month

* Digestive Diseases Week

* Food Allergy Awareness Month

* Food Allergy Week

* National Arthritis Month

* National Osteoporosis Awareness and Prevention Month

* Women’s Health Week and Women’s Health Check-up day

Organizations, Research Centers, and Companies supporting the May observance:

* Celiac Disease Foundation

* Gluten Intolerance Group

* Westchester Celiac Sprue Support Group

* American Celiac Disease Alliance

* National Foundation for Celiac Awareness

* University of Maryland Center for Celiac Research

* University of Chicago Celiac Disease Program

* Celiac Disease Center at Columbia University

* Wm. K. Warren Celiac Disease Research Center UC San Diego

* Bob & Ruth’s Gluten-Free Dining & Travel Club

* Ener-G Foods, Inc.

* Enjoy Life Brands™

* Foods by George

* Gluten-Free Living

* GlutenFree Passport™

* Glutino-USA

* Kimball Genetics

* Living Without

* Pamela’s Products

* Prometheus Laboratories, Inc.

* Savory Palate, Inc.

It’s worth noting that October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. It is extremely difficult for any condition, to compete for attention at that time. And since recognition and attention are key to raising awareness, May is a better fit.

Congresswoman Nita Lowey (NY) introduced legislation in 2004, 2006, and again, this year (H.Con.Res. 70) which emphasizes the designation of May as National Celiac Disease Awareness Month. That legislation now has 29 cosponsors and more are expected once Congress returns later this month. I hope this helps clarify why May is supported and endorsed as National Celiac Disease Awareness Month.

Beth Hillson


American Celiac Disease Alliance




My daughter has more food allergies. Anyone else go through this?

My daughter has more food allergies. Anyone else go through this?

I have a younger nephew who is allergic to nuts, soy, seafood, milk, eggs, and wheat. I feel so bad for him. It is very hard because he is only 2 now. As you know they tend to want to try everything out of curiosity. He has been to the emergency room a couple of times but nothing major. He throws tantrums because he will want certain drinks or food. The cost of all the natural organic solutions are a pain but there is no price on the life of a child. The thing that helps me explain to him at such a young age is the allergy bracelet he wears as a medical alert for all his allergies. When I point out certain foods he wants I refer to the bracelet and he knows it's off limits. Your daughter may not take you seriously because she feels like she cant eat anything. I would talk to the doctors and explain your situation. Sometimes children listen more attentively to a stranger or higher respected adult (Teacher,doctor). This may raise her awareness. Also try new foods that would be attractive to her that other kids would want. This may allow her to feel that she has the "popular food" and will be discouraged from eating off others especially after having a discussion with the doctor in the back of her mind. I know it's a scary thought that someone may give her an allergic reaction, but sometimes it is unpreventable. Remain calm if a breakout does occur and ask how it happened. Perhaps a medical bracelet may cause some of her friends to ask why she wears it and she can explain to them that she could die if exposed to..... If she does come in counter with dirty hands or such exposures the complications will be mild so try to reassure her that mommy is her friend!

Good Luck!

Holidays also on this date Thursday, May 1, 2025...