School Library Media Month on April, 2025: Can anyone recommend school library media specialist as a post-graduate career?

April, 2025 is School Library Media Month 2025. School Library Month History School Library Media Month

Can anyone recommend school library media specialist as a post-graduate career?

I'm sorry your career isn't going in the direction you might have been hoping for.

I do like your thinking of pursuing an MLS and there IS a program at the ASU Polytechnic campus in Arizona. (I'm assuming by your name you might be in Connecticut?) You also need to start building up work experience as much as you can, and here in AZ, there might be more career opportunities than back East. (I'm from NJ originally, so I know about the fierce competition for a job). With some experience under your name, and the educational background, you might be qualified for running the media center at a large high school or local community college. You also have your young age as an advantage. So many people start 2nd and 3rd careers well into their late 30's/early 40's. I think you have a lot of positive options out there! Also, evaluate your current lifestyle. Are you a risk-taker? Willing to relocate and take a chance? Or do you need something very stable and permanant right away?

Al the best to you!

Elementary School Librarian Question?

Elementary School Librarian Question?

Family Library Night

Have parent volunteers help re-shelf books

Have authors and illustrators come to do presentations at your school...usually the media center at your district office can help with this.

Have parents sign up to read to classes.

Have parents help decorate the library for different themes/months/seasons...pull appropriate books for display/cut out leaves, apples, etc.

Have an "open house" during parent evenings (ie back to school night)

Join the PTA/Boosters Club so parents can be informed about Library.

Acting schools like Stagecoach?

Acting schools like Stagecoach?

All stage schools are quite expensive, although some local privately-run ones are a little cheaper, some are much more expensive! Google 'acting classes' and the name of your nearest town, or ask at the library - they always seem to know what's available.

But unless you get some proper acting training, you're not going to get into A Level college on a drama course, nor are you going to get into Drama School - and that's essential.

The school stuff is a nice introduction, but doesn't really impress anyone, as almost all kids have done GCSE (and getting an A in Drama is very easy) and school shows and plays don't really count for anything.

Joining your local theatre is great, though - you'll learn a lot there and get valuable experience.

But you absolutely have to get into an acting school of some sort - and you'll have to learn to dance and sing, because those are part of the drama school auditions, and you'll need to be quite good at both. You simply won't get in if you can't join in an intermediate level class.

I know they cost, but do you realise how much the drama schools cost? They range from £9,000 to £27,000, and on top of that you have to pay for your own accommodation, bills, food, clothes, travel, etc. Over the three years that can add up to £50,000.

I suggest you get a part-time job as soon as possible and pay for your own acting classes, and learn some sort of skill to get a good job after A Levels, so you can save up to pay for drama school.

Most students have to do that - and then after drama school you'll need another job anyway, to work alongside acting, as the most you can realistically expect to get is about 2 or 3 weeks' paid acting work a year - that's the average.

Good luck!

Holidays also on this date Tuesday, April 1, 2025...