Petite And Proud Day 2025 is on Sunday, May 4, 2025: Thought for the day?

Sunday, May 4, 2025 is Petite And Proud Day 2025. Ma Petite Niche: Yoga A day for December 2013 I'm also proud that in 21 days

Petite And Proud Day

For everyones under 5'4 ″, you have a day where you can be tiny and glad! Are you tired of people making derogatory remarks regarding your size, such as: half pint, vertically tested or titch? Petite And Proud Day is all about celebrating our absence of height and the benefits it brings. For instance, we could press into small spaces, we don't bang our heads on low ceilings and we can suit youngsters's' garments, which conserves us cash! Obviously short individuals live longer than their lankier counterparts, which is absolutely worth commemorating.

Also, there are a lot more petite stars than you might assume, the following people are all 5'4 ″ or under: Nathalie Portman, Kylie Minogue, Michael J Fox, Seth Eco-friendly, Amy Poehler, Reese Witherspoon and Eva Longoria. Why not celebrate being tiny with a tiny and proud group, by publishing an affirming message on Facebook or by making an unusual badge?

Thought for the day?

That was really beautifully said and whether is was a true story or not it nearly made me cry :') and you are sooo right that we should appriciate each and every day and make the most of them and be happy :D

Why do men like very busty women when personally I think petite sized women are?

Why do men like very busty women when personally I think petite sized women are?

You are right, women have been completely comodified these days. Under the capitalist system women sexuality has been monetised as a profit centre. Regarding your bust, I confess that as a man I would it incredibly physically attractive. Why I don't know, that's just the way I am and I am sure you really know you look far from hideous. There seems to be a very narrow form of body fascism for women these days which is not healthy. A large bust is a glorious thing and you should be proud and confident about yourself.

Any Bald women out there proud of their looks?

Any Bald women out there proud of their looks?

Im not bald. But I think a lot of women can pull it off.

On one hand, I dont have a very defined bone structure, so it wouldnt really work on me. But I like being able to change my hairstyle around.

On the other hand, I wouldnt have to worry every day about how to do my hair. I wouldnt have to worry about getting it out of my face, and it would be a lot more convenient.

Holidays also on this date Sunday, May 4, 2025...